Back To Tauranga
Yeeeha! I’m back in Tauranga and do you know what that means to me?
Instead of traveling for 30 to 45 minutes battling traffic at Te Puna and Bethlehem now that school is back……I’m only 7 minutes from work. In fact, I can walk to work!!!
Ha! it also means that I’m not forking out to the oil industry for gasoline, my Trev does take a bit, but he’s such a good Rav, old, like me, but still “got it”. Plus, yes there’s a plus for Trev, there’s not the wear and tear….the service won’t be so frequent either – save more!
The only downside is that I had to leave those beautiful chickens that I’ve really got to love. They are just soooooooo cool.
As for my friends who I’ve been living, what can I say but a HUGE thank you. They took in a waif and stray right when I needed it….beautiful.
So I put my life in the back of Trev, and off I went to my new home. God it felt so good to have actually achieved the first of my goals… in Tauranga before school went back. O.k. o.k. I know, I left it until the very last day. They went back today and I got here yesterday – that’s cutting it fine, but, hey – I did it….bodes well for my other goals.
So, where am I? I’ve now found digs with a super lady in her home with the most outstanding view. Damn, if I manage to get any work done here then it will be a miracle. Check it out!!!
Trust me, the photos do not do these views justice at all.
So I’m all settled in, going to work this morning was delightfully refreshing not having to travel.
Just a heads up to you, dear reader, in the next little bit most of my blogs will now concentrate more on what’s happening in this situation we find ourselves in that we call “life”. So beware, you will be assailed by my ranting, humourous, I hope, but the topics will be totally random.
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Welcome back to The Big Smoke!!!! (Well, maybe not ‘big smoke’, but certainly a little wisp of smoke….) Talk soon.
It sure feels like the Big Smoke after the little town I’ve been in. Mind you, was nice and relaxing in the “sort of” countryside.