Today is all about having a bit of fun!
Each Friday I like to post a cartoon or some other funny meme up on the Social Media pages.
So here are just some I’ve post over the past couple of months.
Have an awesome day!
Each Friday I like to post a cartoon or some other funny meme up on the Social Media pages.
So here are just some I’ve post over the past couple of months.
Have an awesome day!
So what do you think about the title?
Bet you never thought the Healthy Vegan would come out with something like that did you? Well, sit tight, I’m about to tell you all about what I’ve just discovered.
Back in the 60’s when the tobacco companies were trying to stop the Surgeon General’s warning going onto the packets, they came up with some really ludicrous arguments including that smoking was good for you.
They claimed that smoking stopped Parkinson’s Disease something the was poohooed and totally dismissed as being a huge ploy on the part of the cigarette companies.
Now comes the weird part. Over 5 dozen studies since the 70s have indeed shown that tobacco smoking does in fact lower the chances of Parkinson’s Disease quite dramatically.
But don’t go thinking that I’m about to take up and start waving the flag for cigarettes – not at all. We all know that smoking is linked to lung disease and emphysema in fact 80 – 90% of lung cancers in the USA are caused by smoking.
Not only that, but there is a right toxic mix in the cigarette with over 7,000 chemicals are added to the tobacco!!!!
So the researchers decided to find out why and it seems that it is the actual nicotine in the tobacco plant that is the beneficial part. Tobacco comes from the Nightshade plant family and so does Bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes.
Wouldn’t it be much nicer to introduce peppers into your diet – having them a bit more often? Let’s face it, you can’t go past a gorgeous red Bell pepper filled with a plant protein like lentils or quinoa and baked. Then pour over a nice tomato sauce add some gorgeous fresh dark greens like kale and spinach and you’ve got a bang up nutritious meal.
Honestly, I learn something new every day!
Which got me remembering all the other things that France has done. So I have made a list (as I do).
Our animals and our planet need us to get behind countries that are actually doing something. Yes, we need the “something” to be way more than what’s being done, and way faster, but, being the realist I am, I’m grateful for small wins.
Speaking about the environment. The EU, those pesky bureaucrats in Brussels who care for the environment, are putting all countries under pressure to reduce the consumption of plastic bags. Wish the same could be said for here Down Under!!!
There were some wonderful moments for the animals such as a group of little ducklings were saved by awesome firemen after they fell down a grate. Mumma duck was sooooo thrilled to have her babies back. And, firemen rescued swans from freezing on ice, not just once, but three times.
However, I want to look back on some of the “wins” that didn’t necessarily make the “headlines” but will make life a little easier on those animals who are constantly abused – that is: animals used for human purposes. So here’s my top 12:
Let’s begin with a statistic I think shows why many people are turning to a plant based way of eating.
So I’ll end this post on that absolutely corker win… showing that the little guy can take on the giant.
You’ll be able to find lots of other stories on the internet, but these ones were either close to my heart, or a little different to the usual.
All my heartfelt thanks for supporting me with my journey this year. May your 2017 be blessed for you and your family and may we have many more “wins” so we can ease the suffering of the many animals who endure so much for us.
Well, the story goes like this. While I was in the country (yes, I’m back in the city now), I would take a morning perambulation to survey the countryside around me and take in the beautiful refreshing air.
In the paddock that ran alongside the road, the sheep meandered, munching on grass, heads down as sheep do, until I walked past. Then it was heads jerked up, ears attuned and when I got too close it was off with a race to put a bit more distance between us.
But, at the top of the road where there were no sheep, there, on his/her lonesome was a single sheep just sitting, doing nothing, almost like he (we’ll call it he – saves on me having to type the letter “s”), was waiting for something – or maybe someone?
The first couple of mornings he bleated when he saw me and actually wandered over to the fence. However, I couldn’t get to him as there was a double fence line with quite a gap between, so I have no idea if I could have pat him as I would have liked to have done.
He was there every morning for a couple of weeks. Then just as quickly as he’d appeared – he was gone.
Now, I’m going to make up the story that he had been feeling a little depressed and had wanted some “time out”. Then, on feeling back to his old self again (maybe my visits helped), he’d gone back to join his mates in the flock. That is a far better image than him having been singled out to fatten up for the Christmas table.
Oh, and just so you know that I really was in the country …. I photo bombed the sheep and the chooks where I was staying.
At time of writing I had, in fact, left the country and was already ensconced in the first of the house-sits for 2017 … but I did have Christmas here.
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