Category: Random

Is It A Human’s Right To Have Water?

Is It A Human’s Right To Have Water?

Do you believe that every human being has a right to have water … for free?

Back in 2013, Peter Brabeck the Chairman of the Board of Nestlé upset the world when he began pushing for the privatization and control of water across the world. He created such a furore that he back-tracked his initial statement and gave his reasons.

Before I go into what those reasons were, let me say that Nestlé wanted to take control to the extent that in 2000 at the World Water Forum they successfully lobbied to

stop water being declared the universal right of every person. 

Since then they have been pushing for control.

Already water is being pumped out by the millions of gallons, put into plastic bottles which are then sold to a gullible public to the point that it has become almost a status symbol of the wealthy.

Will it end up that just the wealthy will be able to afford clean water?

Peter Brabeck’s argument is that if the water is owned, then it is the responsibility of the owner to make sure that it is clean. He believes that as water remains “free” it is

“wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed … it is abused and polluted making it undrinkable in its natural state.  And, if we’re not careful, the water will become so polluted that the citizens will not be able to use it in any way at all.”

You have to admit that he has a point – take the town of Flint in the USA as a classic example of water being polluted so badly it can’t be used.

Geez, even N.Z. is well on the way to having a drinking water problem as over 70% of all waterways are so badly polluted they are deemed to be toxic. Also, according to NZ ecologist Russell Death,

“We have the highest level of many of these waterborne gastrointestinal diseases in the OECD.” 

that’s just insane for a country that tells the world we are clean and green.

However, I certainly am NOT in favour of privatizing water… not one little bit. In fact, I’d like to see companies who bottle water for the supermarket shelves to either stop doing it or replace the plastic with recyclable glass!!!!

Because there’s the other problem with “private water”…

Plastic is the bane of the modern world and it is time we face up to the fact that we just have to STOP using it.

All of this has been prompted by a petition to:

Tell Nestlé that humans have a right to water.
Stop locking up our resources!

You can sign the petition here: Tell Nestlé

I’d be very interested to read what you think about this so please feel free to scroll down and use the comments section below.






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Experiencing Country Life!

Experiencing Country Life!

I honestly didn’t think I’d be experiencing country life again.

It would have to be at least 18 years since I’ve lived in the country. Like, really in the country!

So why am I here?

I left the last house-sit not quite two weeks ago. Yes, I apologise to those who are following me (all two of you), who are actually interested in where I am.

My new “digs” are now about 1/2 hour drive from the city heading North. When I say 1/2 an hour – that’s when the traffic is normal. Peak time can be around 45 – 55 minutes. But that’s o.k. gives me time to plot and scheme about stuff!

I’m here until late December when I’ll be back in the city looking after Lily again.

Now, the household is made up of my beautiful friends Caitlin and Rob and their adorable cat, Ruby. The vibes here are super loving and I couldn’t be with better people.

With you in mind, I took my camera when I went for my walk …. yes, I’m walking and checking out the neighbourhood just for you ……

Meet the neighbours:

These two gorgeous Clydesdales belong to the neighbour
These two gorgeous Clydesdales belong to the neighbour
The sheep are just across the road
The sheep are just across the road
Just some of the girls who live here with us
Just some of the girls who live here with us
There's always a Pukeko close by
There’s always a Pukeko close by

Even the proverbial barn

The neighbour is creating a beautiful fence of roses in front of the avocado trees.
The neighbour is creating a beautiful fence of roses in front of the avocado trees.
And best of all ... Ruby
And best of all … Ruby

Ahhh, country life.






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Stop The Food Waste!

Stop The Food Waste!

France has done it again, this time the supermarkets have been told to stop food waste.

It is now illegal for French supermarkets to throw out good food in a bid to stop the huge food waste that goes on.

It’s not the first time France has come up with environmental and social laws.

Last year the French government came out with a law that all new buildings in commercial zones must either be partially covered in plants or solar panels. How amazing is that?

The beauty of green roofs is that they have an isolating effect, help to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat the building in winter and cool it off in the summer. Not only the good stuff like that but it also gives birds a place to nest!

Now the French Government have made a new law. Supermarkets are no longer allowed to throw away good food. The supermarkets must now donate their unsold food to charities.

See, grassroots campaigns can win, because that’s how this all started. French shoppers, anti-poverty campaigners and those opposed to food waste all came together to get this bill passed in their parliament.

Why doesn’t that happen here? Are we too apathetic? Do we just not care? Or is it a case of the majority of us are simply trying to get through each day making enough to pay the bills, buy food and trying to better our lives?

Of course, for France, the campaigners want to take this idea even further, past the supermarkets and into the restaurants, bakeries and even school and company canteens.

Poor little NZ – we’re way behind the 8 ball, gosh we can’t even ban the plastic bag and just get deeper into the mire and muck and further away from the clean and green.

Will anything change for us? I certainly hope so, and quickly!






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Back At Papamoa

Back At Papamoa

Same suburb, different street.

Straight off the plane from Sydney and onto the next house-sit. This time I’m back in Papamoa, but now I have the added delight of only an 8-minute walk to the beach.

Have been for a few walks around the blocks, as I do because I’m nosey, and the development is still in full swing here – sections sold, buildings being built and I’m only at the beginning of this area. I have a notion that Papamoa is one of the fastest-growing areas in N.Z. (could be wrong).


Ahhhhh, it’s good to be back on this side of the bridge. It’s good to walk the beach and see the Mount and it just confirms my desire of making Mount Maunganui where I finally will settle … well for now – you know me, can change my mind – might end up living in Timbuktu – who knows what the West Wind will bring.

Now let me introduce you to a really corker cat. This is Quinn.


She’s absolutely adorable. One of those cats who rub against your legs and wants to be around (when it’s convenient for her), and generally a pretty smoochie kitty. However, she does have one slightly off-putting habit. When she’s over your patting or cuddling she’ll tell you by giving you a nip. And you can’t really tell what her mood is because her tail is constantly in motion. Even when she’s lying in the sun, her tail is twitching.


She’s taken to sleeping with me from about 5 a.m. onwards. I know the image depicting this is dark and grainy, but, hey, what do you expect when it’s the wee hours of the morning and the sun isn’t up yet!!!

I’m in such a loving home filled with a warm feeling. It’s a home that’s easy to keep tidy, perfect position to expressway and beach.  Quinn’s mum and dad are beautiful people and her dad has a wonderful hobby – growing bonsai trees.

Apparently, he hasn’t been doing it for long, but wow, take a look at these – (and the photo doesn’t do them justice).


I’m here till early November, then have a big gap till the next one in late December – Know anyone going away????  I come with references.






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Airport Protocol

Airport Protocol

A massive exercise ensued on Friday

as I packed up from Lily’s home and got myself to the airport – a three hour drive – in time to catch my flight to Sydney.

You know that saying “The best laid plans ….”?? Well it sure applied on Friday. The aim was to be away from Lily’s by 10 a.m. Hah! not a chance, especially as I didn’t get out of bed when I planned to and then, to make matters worse, I mucked about on my computer clearing emails and checking Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc (as any good social media buff does)!!!

Then it was all a mad rush to get the last of the packing done, the cleaning finished and the car packed.

Fortunately, dropping off my house-sitting gear was on the way. But I did have to “dump and run” which was not what I had intended.

Airport here I come. Oh what a slow trip on the second half. The closer I got to Auckland, the worse the weather became. By the time I hit (oh, not literally), the motorway the rain was a steady ‘wipers on full’ mode. Parts even were at a crawl as visibility was so bad.
And, due to the fact that I had “dumped and run” as mentioned above, I did have some time up my sleeve to weather the rotten rain. Got to the airport bang on the dot of 2.30 and dropped Trev off with the nice man who took Trev away to be stored.

Got through departure gate without much hassle… did have to go into the little pod, stand on the yellow feet and put my arms up, then get swiped with the wand thingy, but all good – I may look random, but not that silly!

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-2-11-47-pmThe abysmal vegan choices at the airport very quickly became apparent, but decided that now would be a good time to start to lose a bit of weight! – Yeah right…. you’re talking to a foodie!
Posted the image on twitter – probably one of the most liked and shared tweets I’ve ever done.

I still love airports though. When I’m at an airport I’m either going somewhere that I want to be or I’m coming home. It’s not often I don’t enjoy coming home. So airports for me are never stressful as long as I’ve got there in time. Even when things don’t go according to “easey peasy” mode, I try not to get too upset. Stuff happens, especially stuff out of my control – so I just try and roll with the punches.

For example. On the journey back home. As I only had carry on bag and didn’t have to wait at baggage collection, I disembarked fully expecting to be through and meeting Trev’s driver by 3.30. Nup.The Chaos Fairies were in full flight starting at the quick e-passport kiosks. Put in the passport to get the message that the kiosk was not working and to try another one. O.k., fine, I’ll wait till one is free – Oh, there’s one. In the passport goes again, waiting, waiting – message reads – please proceed to immigration officer. Maybe I’ll try another one just to make totally sure. Yup, please proceed to immigration officer.
Now the line for the manual immigration checking had grown somewhat as people had collected their bags and there were several flights in at the same time.

No worries – get in line.

Always an up-side. Got talking to the chap behind me who had come in from the U.K. Turns out he is an entertainment promoter and here sorting out the last details for the upcoming tour of Michael McIntyre – wouldn’t mind going to that show. Anyhoo, he had high praise indeed for the comedian who, of course, we only ever see on the telly.

Passport finally checked, off to breeze through customs. Round the corner – duh! another long, long line. Two officers on checking custom declaration forms …. thoroughly!!!! Many having to go through bio-security.

Then my phone rings – Trev’s driver wondering where I was as by now it was after 4 p.m.

But got through I did and Trev was waiting.

A much better drive home in sunshine. Picked up the house-sitting gear on the way and managed to be at my new digs with cat called Quinn just before 8 p.m.

Did I go to bed early? You bet your sweet booty I did!!!

p.s. – Sydney airport didn’t have a great selection of vegan food either – went all over the place trying to find one banana …. the kind lady where I got my coffee felt sorry for me and gave me a to travel

Finally found a falafel wrap to take on board for my lunch – so Sydney was one up on the vegan fare over Auckland.






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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