Category: Random

Airport Protocol

Airport Protocol

A massive exercise ensued on Friday

as I packed up from Lily’s home and got myself to the airport – a three hour drive – in time to catch my flight to Sydney.

You know that saying “The best laid plans ….”?? Well it sure applied on Friday. The aim was to be away from Lily’s by 10 a.m. Hah! not a chance, especially as I didn’t get out of bed when I planned to and then, to make matters worse, I mucked about on my computer clearing emails and checking Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc (as any good social media buff does)!!!

Then it was all a mad rush to get the last of the packing done, the cleaning finished and the car packed.

Fortunately, dropping off my house-sitting gear was on the way. But I did have to “dump and run” which was not what I had intended.

Airport here I come. Oh what a slow trip on the second half. The closer I got to Auckland, the worse the weather became. By the time I hit (oh, not literally), the motorway the rain was a steady ‘wipers on full’ mode. Parts even were at a crawl as visibility was so bad.
And, due to the fact that I had “dumped and run” as mentioned above, I did have some time up my sleeve to weather the rotten rain. Got to the airport bang on the dot of 2.30 and dropped Trev off with the nice man who took Trev away to be stored.

Got through departure gate without much hassle… did have to go into the little pod, stand on the yellow feet and put my arms up, then get swiped with the wand thingy, but all good – I may look random, but not that silly!

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-2-11-47-pmThe abysmal vegan choices at the airport very quickly became apparent, but decided that now would be a good time to start to lose a bit of weight! – Yeah right…. you’re talking to a foodie!
Posted the image on twitter – probably one of the most liked and shared tweets I’ve ever done.

I still love airports though. When I’m at an airport I’m either going somewhere that I want to be or I’m coming home. It’s not often I don’t enjoy coming home. So airports for me are never stressful as long as I’ve got there in time. Even when things don’t go according to “easey peasy” mode, I try not to get too upset. Stuff happens, especially stuff out of my control – so I just try and roll with the punches.

For example. On the journey back home. As I only had carry on bag and didn’t have to wait at baggage collection, I disembarked fully expecting to be through and meeting Trev’s driver by 3.30. Nup.The Chaos Fairies were in full flight starting at the quick e-passport kiosks. Put in the passport to get the message that the kiosk was not working and to try another one. O.k., fine, I’ll wait till one is free – Oh, there’s one. In the passport goes again, waiting, waiting – message reads – please proceed to immigration officer. Maybe I’ll try another one just to make totally sure. Yup, please proceed to immigration officer.
Now the line for the manual immigration checking had grown somewhat as people had collected their bags and there were several flights in at the same time.

No worries – get in line.

Always an up-side. Got talking to the chap behind me who had come in from the U.K. Turns out he is an entertainment promoter and here sorting out the last details for the upcoming tour of Michael McIntyre – wouldn’t mind going to that show. Anyhoo, he had high praise indeed for the comedian who, of course, we only ever see on the telly.

Passport finally checked, off to breeze through customs. Round the corner – duh! another long, long line. Two officers on checking custom declaration forms …. thoroughly!!!! Many having to go through bio-security.

Then my phone rings – Trev’s driver wondering where I was as by now it was after 4 p.m.

But got through I did and Trev was waiting.

A much better drive home in sunshine. Picked up the house-sitting gear on the way and managed to be at my new digs with cat called Quinn just before 8 p.m.

Did I go to bed early? You bet your sweet booty I did!!!

p.s. – Sydney airport didn’t have a great selection of vegan food either – went all over the place trying to find one banana …. the kind lady where I got my coffee felt sorry for me and gave me a to travel

Finally found a falafel wrap to take on board for my lunch – so Sydney was one up on the vegan fare over Auckland.






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Leaving Lily

Leaving Lily

Time to move on. Time to say goodbye to Lily for now.

It’s been a wonderful stay with Lily, although I can’t say I’ll miss the white fur. Lesson learned here – don’t wear black! I’ll be heading off at the end of this week and, guess what?, I’m going to Sydney for the weekend! Yeeha!!!! I get to hang out with my youngest, beautiful daughter.

Doing the “Mother of the Bride” bit as she is getting married next March.

Soooo excited. Mind you – what a week getting myself sorted.

You see, I’ve been house-sitting for about four months straight (and not finished yet), and we’ve changed seasons, so lots of cleaning out of the suitcase and swapping over the winter/summer clothes. Mind you, it’s still not tropical, but we can all live in hope!

So next time I write, I’ll be in Papamoa, looking after Quinn the cat and hanging out for about two and half weeks. Don’t worry, you’ll be filled in on the Sydney trip – memo to self: take photos!






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Meet The Locals In The Neighbourhood.

Meet The Locals In The Neighbourhood.

As you know I like to have a bit of a ferret round the neighbourhood where I’m house-sitting.

And this one is no exception.

You can imagine how I reacted when I went for a walk around the block, literally around the block, and discovered I was in the Dead Centre of this area.

Not just one cemetery, but THREE … go figure. But then I discovered the three were specific for different religions. The size of each told of the popularity of that particular denomination.

The Presbyterians came out on top. Those press buttons, as we used to call them when I was a kid, sure had the biggest influence.


Next – the Methodists. They came in quite a close second, so I’m picking there may have been a bit of rivalry going on.


And bringing up the rear the Church of The Latter Day Saints. They did not do so well converting the locals.

Love the closeness to the living

Now, these local residents go back quite some time and, although there appears more room, I’m picking that the resting places are now closed for business.

So who actually tweaked my interest?

There was one that had me a little puzzled.


As you may find it a little difficult to read – let me explain.

There appears to be three bodies here:

Rachel is one and she is the wife, sorry, beloved wife, of William Darragh who died in 1910 ages 84 – so far so good,
But, and here’s where the plot thickens (or deepens), the next one is William (no surname) husband of the above (assume Rachel) died 1928 aged 103.

So the first William is not buried here (?), but the 2nd William, who we shall assume is husband #2, is buried here.
Then there’s the last body – James. No idea what relation he is to any of the above but will assume he’s a son – died 1938 aged 74. Just don’t know which William sired him.
Confused? – God I love cemeteries!

And what’s a decent neighbourhood without a Gated Community?


Maybe some of these people were quite the renegades of their time – you know, the black sheep, the misfit etc… but in death they must conform!


All graves face the same way – not one is different.

Thank goodness I’ve opted to be cremated, then I hope that whoever disperses my ashes just throws them up in the air and leaves it to me to find my final resting place and face the way I want.

p.s. – and if you enjoyed this bizarre take on the neighbourhood, please give it a thumbs up or a laughing face in those emojis below … I do try to entertain.






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Recycling At it’s Best

Recycling At it’s Best

Well done Sweden! It looks like this country is going to step up and make a difference when it comes to how it deals with the old and worn out.

I read the other day that Sweden is going to set up incentives in the way of reduces taxes to those who go into business and re-purpose or fix anything that is broken. This could be ANYTHING – from washing machines to torn jeans, Bikes to shoes. If you set up a business that fixes and recycles an item and then sell it, you will get a tax cut.

Not only is this going to help the matter of “what to do with…” it will also create jobs. I’m thinking what an awesome idea this is and one that N.Z. should adopt. (wait while I fall off chair laughing). Seriously, this would really help to stimulate the economy here in N.Z. (am now coughing I’m laughing so hard)

Can you really see any Government in N.Z. – even in Australia or USA doing something like this? Geez, we can’t even clean up our used tyre industry.
(tyre = tire for my USA friends)

Tyres are allowed to be dumped all over the place, even set on fire polluting the air with toxic fumes. Did you know there is over 7 litres (2 gallons), of petroleum and oil in one tyre alone not to mention the numerous chemicals including chlorine, styrene, butadiene and more than 20 different heavy metals.

Now let me quickly say, that burning tyres is illegal in N.Z. not that it stops some.

There are literally thousands of ways to recycle tyres from creating chairs to using them in the building industry. They can be used for courts or shoes and in some countries some are actually burned for their fuel value.

But, getting back to Sweden and how we could be doing the exact same thing. However, it’s really not likely to happen – why should we fix broken things when we can easily buy cheaper stuff from China to appease our consumerist habits.

Source: The Guardian

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Am I A Qualified Nutritionist?

Am I A Qualified Nutritionist?

The simple answer is – No – Need any more information? O.k. continue to read on…

Then what gives me the authority to write about nutrition?

I am self-taught.

Did you know that people who are self-taught actually do have a title – Autodidact.

Autodidactism is actually not as easy as you think as there is no structure, no incentives and no piece of paper at the end. In fact, there is no ‘end’. It only ends when one changes the subject.

However, the upside is that one has complete control over what is learned, no assignments and no waste of time with teachers who are structured within the curriculum and only have one view.

I did look at nutrition courses quite a number of years ago, but, because I’m vegan, the courses just didn’t seem to ‘gel’ with my thinking. Which made me decide to teach myself.

There is so much knowledge out there, and by doing my own research I was not encumbered by courses that had been ‘sponsored by’. I’m going to hasten on to say, that not all schools and courses are ‘sponsored by’, but the general thinking can be a little biased in order to promote a certain ideology.

Now I do already have extensive training in Anatomy and Physiology which was covered when I did a three-year training in Massage way back when it wasn’t taught in traditional schools and there was no diploma. It was under an apprentice system with the medical side taught by those already trained in medicine.

It’s a bit like algebra… if you’re not using it every day, then one tends to forget it, so please don’t ask me to explain the human body at a microscopic level, including the structure and function of cells, tissues and membranes.
However, ask me about calcium and I’ve got it covered!

This particular post subject has come about because the other day, at the Vegan Vibes festival, I had a lady approach me to tell me she had read my Nutrition book. She said it was great and that she really liked the fact that it was coming from a different angle than the normal nutritional books. I did hasten to say that I wasn’t a qualified nutritionist, that I was self-taught. Her response really boosted my confidence ….

“Well, I am a qualified nutritionist and I can tell you that I have learned more from your book than I did on my course.”  

Wow – now that blew me away so much that I never thought to ask her to put it in writing.

However, on looking at the Reviews on this particular book on Amazon, there’s one little snippet that jumps out about my lack of credentials.

“Fee tells us that she has no certifications or special training in nutrition, well, I do have a certification in fitness and nutrition, and I can honestly say that this very talented lady has done her research well, and so much more”

Sometimes it pays to be ‘self-taught’ and not caught up in the boxes of ‘qualifications’. Have a look at some of these people.

Frank Lloyd Wright – American architect.
Leonardo da Vinci – We know him as an artist, but he was also a mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist and botanist.
The Wright Brothers – neither graduated high school.
Thomas Edison.
Charles Darwin.
Benjamin Franklin.
Karl Marx.
Even Steve Irwin never went to college and was primarily taught everything he knew about biology and zoology from his father and actually getting out there learning and teaching as he went along.
Jimi Hendrix and Heston Blumenthal.

and I’m going to finish with one last one that I think really says it all about being an Autodidact

Michael Faraday
Faraday was an English chemist and physicist. He made huge contributions to the field of electromagnetism and electrochemistry even though he received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics. During his seven-year apprenticeship at a local bookbinder and bookseller, he read many books by writers like Isaac Watts, Jane Marcet etc. that helped him learn. At the end of his apprenticeship, he also attended lectures by the eminent English chemist Humphry Davy of the Royal Institution and Royal Society, and John Tatum, founder of the City Philosophical Society. This self-learner is now regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history.

I am certainly proud to be an autodidact and included in such an illustrious list.







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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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