Category: Random

Here’s Something That Might Tweak Your Thought Process..

Here’s Something That Might Tweak Your Thought Process..

I follow a woman on twitter called Pamela Geller.  More from the point of her insanity and her ridiculous vlogs. Which demonstrates to me how the other half think.


She’s an American political activist and very outspoken about the Islamization of America. Her hatred is pretty far out there … a bit like Sarah Palin in her heyday, (who seems to be having a comeback now that the Donald is welding some power …. more entertainment for me).

But Pamela wrote something I was quite surprised at. You see, the lovely Dali Lama came out the other day talking about refugees:

“When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering,”

said the Tibetan spiritual leader, who has himself lived in exile for over half a century.

“A human being who is a bit more fortunate has the duty to help them. On the other hand, there are too many now,”

he said, according to the German translation of the interview in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

“Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,”

Source:  RedState

cd_574facf53fe33His idea is that we should look after them only until they are able to return to their country and help rebuild it. This is an idea that I, too, believe is the way to go. From my understanding, no true refugees ever wants to leave their homeland … let’s face it – would you? And, I’m sure you’d want to “go home” to reclaim your country as soon as you could.

As for Pamela Geller – well, being the Islam hater that she is, she jumped on what the Dali Lama had said. Most of what she wrote was just agreeing with him and dissing others e.g. The Pope. However, she did write one sentence that pretty much summed up the ongoing ebbing and flowing of cultures:

“It is an obvious, practically mathematical argument to say that if you continue to import people from one country into another country, and that the people from the other country do not adapt to the new country but bring with them the ways and language and culture of their old country, that the new country will eventually become the new geographic location for what is in essence the other country. This is not a complicated idea, despite my ridiculous sentence.”

Source:  PamelaGellar

Perhaps this is the way of the future? Perhaps New Zealand will morph into a hybrid of Asian and Pacific and a completely new culture will emerge?
Perhaps Europe will meld into a combined Christian/Islamic culture?
Or perhaps the dominant culture will win as in the case of the  English over the American Indians, to name just one.

Remember that old song about the “Melting Pot” ?? It was about colour and religions, well now, perhaps we can sing it again with the idea of cultures????

It will be a shame to see cultures die out, but it’s happened before –
The Incas and the Aztecs, the ancients Romans and ancient Greeks. The Persians, the Mayan, the Druids and going right back to the beginning – the Mesopotamian Civilisation.

It won’t happen in my lifetime and not even in your lifetime, dear reader, but it will happen …. of course that’s if there is a living, breathing planet and we haven’t killed it first.thoughts

Would like to know your thoughts if you’re game enough to express them in the comments below

p.s. In case you’re wondering … I also follow John Oliver, The Young Turks, NZ The Daily Blog along with others…all via social media.






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On The Move

On The Move

Today is “Exit Day”.  I’m off from the Papamoa Burbs and heading back to my digs for a week.

flat white coffee

It’s been nice here … handy to Fashion Island, which I did visit a couple of times – handy to the motorway which meant easy access to work, the city, the Mount and anywhere else I fancied going.

What have I done here?  Written a bit more of my book and done some sketches.  Met the cool guys next door and spent a lovely evening on the wine with them.

And, apart from that and the odd outing, it’s been a fairly quiet 5 weeks, but then I didn’t expect much else.

I’ll leave you with the sketches:

Basket of Fruit – Self-explanatory
Girl in Cafe – done in 40 minutes
Back Stage – An old quick sketch I’d done when I was in the theatre that needed a bit of work






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A Snapshot Look At Me?

A Snapshot Look At Me?

Here’s a repertoire of what makes me frown or smile:

What gets me pissed off:environment

  • The incredible abuse we do to the environment – well that’s just ongoing.
  • The blatant sidestepping of the government so issues don’t have to be addressed.
  • The fact that something else comes along to take the short attention span of the media and the public away from something else.
  • The TPP – which currently seems to lie dormant in the minds of the majority due to the fact we’ve got the Panama Papers to keep us busy … my view? The stopping of the TPP is more important.

What saddens me:syrian refugee crises

  • The terror, the hatred, the pain that innocent people around this world face because of the incessant greed both for wealth and power of a few.
  • The destruction our species has done and continues to do to this stunningly beautiful and kind planet.


What makes me proud:no GMO

  • My children as they are all exceptional adults who care about others, never judge and care about animals and the environment
  • The work that is done by people for the underdogs of this world – both human and non-human.
  • Those who actually give a damn about the world.
  • My friends/family who succeed on their chosen path – more so if I’ve lent a helping hand.

What makes me laugh:cat meme

  • The calamity that is happening to the Republican party now that it seems like The Don is all they’ve got.
  • The jostling and the playing of games our politicians do – pretty much regardless of which party they’re from.
  • Most of the Gifs and Memes on FaceBook – now they’re clever
  • Cats
  • And pretty much anything – I seem to find amusement in the oddest places and the smallest thing = I just love to laugh.
Auckland Airport
And if you don’t know where this is – it’s the check in area for AirNZ Auckland Airport where I’d like to be right now

What I love:

  • Having a coffee with a friend or friends/family – and it doesn’t necessarily have to be coffee!
  • Muck around on the internet or my computer.
  • Making graphics (see all images on this blog) – one day I’ll get into Gifs!
  • Airports – means I’m either going somewhere or coming home!
  • So let’s put travel in this category.


Obviously, there’s lots more, but that will give you a bit of a look into my world…. perhaps I’ve had one glass of wine too many!







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Change Of Address

Change Of Address

A nice, easy house-sit this time with slightly different “pets” to look after.

Well, fingers are crossed that it will all be smooth sailing and there’ll be no hiccups.

I’m back in the burbs. Different burbs this time. These ones are older …. wiser? …. maybe, but I doubt it. Burbs are burbs wherever located. But these ones are “tree-lined” “established” “ even now possibly some of the homes could be “great potential for renovation” – now I’m being facetious, it’s not really like that. Although some I passed on my walk last evening were questionable.

I had met the lovely couple whose house it is but I had a final meeting with them a couple of days before the move which had one incident worth telling you about.

It had been several weeks since I had been to this particular place. Now I had written down the details, you know, name, address, phone etc. Rather than totally rely on my “getting older” memory, I decided to put the address into my Google maps so I could get the right street. I had an idea of the basic layout of where to go, just not the exact location of the street except that it was some-where off a particular road.

Not looking at the map properly, I just clicked the navigate and headed off. For those who know Tauranga – my destination was Papamoa.
So over the causeway and onto the motorway – no problem. I knew I had to take the first exist.

First mistake – listening to an interview on the radio – overshot the exit. No problem, get off at the next one, up, over, down, back onto motorway and get ready to exit again. GPS lady telling me to “go straight for 2 Kms”  – mistake #2 listening to her – overshot the exit again.    Crap.

Now she told me to take a left at the end round-about … and that was when it hit me that there was something not quite right about where GPS lady was taking me.
This motorway is nothing like the ones in Florida (nod to my friend, Bobbi ), heck, not even like the motorways in Auckland, as there is pretty much no traffic which makes this is a motorway so easy that one tends to lose focus.  But it was third time lucky.

Again I was reminded that something was goofy with the GPS when I wanted to “take the first exit from the roundabout” and not the 2nd as I was being instructed to do. So, once off the ramp I pulled over to check it out.
Yup, I’d put in the right street – “Close street” but it was taking me to Papamoa Beach road. C’mon, Google, this is an old suburb – you should have maps.

papamoa beachIt was at this point I decided to pull up an actual street map, zoom in and see if I could find it. I had an idea where it was and then suddenly there it was – Peachtree Close (street name changed for obvious reasons, but the “close” is correct)!  As soon as I saw it, I recognized the name. Duh, all this time I hadn’t had the actual name recorded in my diary only the type of street!!!!
See, not used to the jargon of the burbs!

Give me an apartment above a cafe, in the village/city any day.

Which brings me to my apartment goal. Yes, I’m still on track – still not quite at the first step yet, but should be there in about three weeks – had to delve into the savings for Trev (car), but all good.






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It’s Over ….

It’s Over ….

My life without Ginge won’t be the same.

Well, of course it won’t – duh. But have to admit here is another cat who stole my heart. I left the burbs yesterday and returned to my digs to wait it out for 5 days before heading off into the sunset for another house-sitting stint.

So here’s what happened when I left. Of course, Ginge knew that I was going, he’d known the night before when I had started to pack up. That’s when he disappeared. Oh, he did wind me up something bad. I called and called, went outside in the dark and looked up and down the street …. nothing.

It was then I had a flashback to when my oldest was a toddler and went missing – the absolute dread of any parent.  We had the packhouse staff out looking all over the orchard. Found him – under his bed asleep!

So, Ginge wasn’t flat on the road, wasn’t around the property that I could see, he must be in the house. And it’s not the biggest house on the block, so not a lot of places to hide. Found him – behind the T.V. asleep!

The morning dawned and I began the final push towards departure time. House was clean, car was packed, check was done …. wait, better check again. All boxes ticked except for Ginge. As I came out the door I spotted him – I thought cats were discreet at where they pooped …. this is a fine example of Ginge and his attitude. I’ll let the photos tell the rest.

ginge 1
“Oh, what? Thought that’s what the neighbour’s front lawn was for, besides, I’m ‘sitting discreetly'”
“Hey, wait !!! “

he was literally meowing as he was running across the road

“the sitting isn’t working…..I’ll circle her instead?

I did eventually get into my car, taking special care as I went down
the drive looking out for him.  I finally spotted him …….

“Well, bugger off then, I’ll nick over to the neighbour’s”


And here’s the aside ….. It’s not all peachy in the burbs!







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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



Don't be shy, please contact me if you have any questions or what you'd like me to write about.

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