Category: Random

Water, Water Everywhere ???

Water, Water Everywhere ???

We have lots of water, right? – Why don’t we give it away?


Read an article about the issue of freshwater, bottled here for free in N.Z. then shipped off overseas making money for the overseas-owned companies.
Now, according to Nick Smith, there is plenty of water and currently only a few companies involved. – so he’s not about to put a stop to it.

cd_56ecd1e1ad9cdAs an aside:  China sent back two shiploads of the stuff because it was dirty (contaminated) … yup, dirty – and that’s on China’s standards, so it must have been bad. Holy hell, what is our water coming to?

Talking of China – did you know that China has an area in drought at the moment and is actually going to release water from a dam which will not only help their drought-stricken province but also Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam which are suffering too.  For once I’m going to say – well done, China.
Source: Yahoo News

Perhaps I’m naive, but my thought is that we should clean up our water first so that we can drink it, swim in it and enjoy it … after that, we can consider sending it off around the world to places that really need to have it.

cd_56ecd2290a0cfAnd, because water is an absolute necessity for survival – here’s an “off the wall” thought – why don’t we give it away to those who are really in need?

So instead of sending aid money off, we could use that money to produce the bottled water and cut out the ‘middle man’ who only want to profit from the suffering of others.

There are two things we need that should be a basic right of every human – oxygen and water. It’s such a pity that we are doing our utmost to destroy both and/or make it so only those who can afford it will get it.

Too simplistic?

I know, but that’s my little rant for the day.






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I Have A New Toy.

I Have A New Toy.

Oooooo – doing the “happy dance” … because my new toy arrived this morning!!!!

cd_56dfbef82d07eActually, the courier arrived at 7.30 a.m. – I mean to say, my day off and the bloody doorbell rings – who does that??? Oh yes, couriers!!!

But, even though I fell (literally) out of my bed, grabbed my dressing gown, nearly tripping on the belt as I staggeredly rushed to get to the door before the courier thought no-one was home.  Alright, so, “staggeredly” isn’t a word – but it’s the best way I can describe it.

“Sign here” he said as he thrust the machine that was upside down at me. “Where?” I blindly asked as I hadn’t put on my glasses in the rush to get to the door. I mean a girl has to be decent and the dressing gown was all I could think to throw on. But sign I did ‘cause there in all it’s glory was ……. the parcel I’d been waiting for!!!! Well, more like a big box which I had to slide over the floor.
No time for celebration just yet, or opening it up – I had to get back to bed to see if I could finish off the damn good dream I was in the middle of.

When I finally got round to opening it up – it was heaven.
Let me back the truck up here a bit. You see, dear reader, I have wanted to get a food processor that would, not only make my chickpea patties, but also blend my cashew nut cream to a smooth, creamy consistency.

Those who know me well, know that I have been asking everyone “what type of food processor have you got?” and, I must admit, there was a short-list happening.  Yeah-nah – (kiwi slang for those foreign readers – you know who you are), I was still hesitating.

Then – I was at the food fest the other day (Read about it here), and the wonderful lady who made my smoothie told me to come and look at the machine after I kindly asked what it was really like.
Wow … commercial grade – complete system … brand, etc later ….. and as they were using it constantly day in, day out, she said it was awesome.
Full on technology with smart stuff buttons, like it does the work for you, and yes, it could crush the bejesus out of ice with one blade and yet still kneed by pasta dough with another.
More due diligence was called for.

A day on the internet showed me the cheapest price, then off to the store to really check it all out.  Decision made – online purchase on Sunday afternoon brought the courier knocking at my door on Tuesday morning.


Check out the blades on this thing!!!!!  Now that’s what I call heavy duty. You may not be able to see them, but there are three sections of blades going up the shaft.

Now I have everything in the one machine – Nutri-Ninja bullet (like Bobbi’s and Jo’s), Smoothie/Juice blitzer (like Caitlin and Amy) and Food processor (like …. mmmm – ME).

But wait, I can hear you whispering there – “soooooo, what has she made?”

I’ve used all three –

1.  My famous hummus with added caramelised onions in the processor

2.  Cashew nut and coconut curry sauce in the bullet

03  04

and #3. Using the smoothie thingy this was the very first thing I made. Well, one has to get one’s priorities right Pina Colada! I was so anxious to sit and savour, forgot to take a photo until the end!!!  (Also see the feature image at the top)
Here’s the plug for the department store Farmers where I bought my awesome Ninja System and I see that the price has gone up – well done, me!

Before I go – as a little aside. Was having coffee the other day and saw this stopped at the lights. Look carefully in the box – do I hear an “awwww” ???


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Moved Out …. For Now

Moved Out …. For Now

My time with Ginge has come to and end.  Well, for the moment.

I’m now home and back with my view. Loved being on my own, but also enjoy the company of my friend. Nice to have someone to have a wine with.

It was a great sit and Ginge was real easy to look after. We became good friends, even to the point that he’d come into my room in the morning and make himself at home …. on my clothes!

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Bless Him!!!

He’s not a cat that jumps on your knee, but he’s loving just the same.

cd_56d397404e717The drive to work was a tad longer, but not too bad. Although coming down a hill to be faced with a queue … not exactly fun. But I always got to work on time.

At least the weather stayed fine, and I was able to hula hoop every day – up to 10 minutes without pause (pats self on back).

Home now for about three weeks before I sit again and the good news is that I’m booked up until mid September and this three weeks is the longest I’ll be here at my digs.

Of course, the highlight was not Ginge, but having my daughter, Amy, home from Sydney for about five days. The joyous news was that she and her partner climbed the Mount to welcome in the dawn and there he proposed to her …. ring and all! How romantic.

Had a wonderful day out with her on Monday and checked out the op-shops at Greerton.  Did you know there’s a piano in the street? Super fun and loved the fact that Amy sat down to play a little – that’s my girl!!!!

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I will leave you with something I saw the other day on the side of a van …. love it.







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Will They Ever Get It Right?

Will They Ever Get It Right?

Oh Pill-ease, you have got to be kidding me!

McD’s are at it again with their attempt to disguise the fact that their food is just plain and simply unhealthy. Hell, even when they try to be healthy, they mess it up.


They are now jumping on the food fad of kale. Don’t they know, kale is so last year as 2016 heralds foods from turmeric to seriously upgraded oatmeal and the real “new” is Koji (koh-jee) which is just rice that’s been inoculated with the koji mold, (this is what’s used to make miso and soy sauce).

But before you dash out to your nearest golden arches, be warned because it transpires that the new salad, with all its trimmings, has more fat, more calories, and less protein than a Big Mac.

How can they get it so wrong?






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House-Sit Happening

House-Sit Happening

Here we go…..the first house-sit of 2016.

I’ve just begun a week at a home in Pyes Pa. Lovely new home with gorgeous ginger cat – three guesses to get his name. No? Can’t think? O.k. I’ll tell you ….. Ginge. But he’s one cool cat! Like his owners too. They were neighbours of mine back in the day when I was living at the Mount. Yup, they sold and shifted around the same time as I moved out and went house-sitting.


This couple are so lovely to house-sit for and this will be the third time (I think). Not only that but they gave a really great reference which has landed me another HS for 10 weeks over winter. If you haven’t guessed, HS stands for house-sit, but who am I kidding, you’re such a bright reader I know you already figured that out… my apologies for doubting you.

As you can see, I don’t have the wonderful views from here, but, like I said, brand new home, all the mod-cons, and best part – a kitty to talk to and cuddle.  (when he lets me).

Oh, before I go, just thought I’d let you know that I’ve bought myself a decent hula hoop and am resurrecting the blue ribbon hoop winner child within me and getting some toning happening!


And it’s not easy to take a selfie when hooping!






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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