Category: Random

My Take On Pope Francis and His Encyclical

My Take On Pope Francis and His Encyclical

Pope Francis has published his encyclical

and the 192 page document holds a lot of good stuff, that, hopefully, is going to be taken on board and will begin the change that is needed in this world we live in.

I’m not about to summarize the encyclical … that would be a lengthy blog post. Instead I just want to say that he has covered a lot of topics from global warming to the issue of water, (even covering the pollution of the oceans), and the effects on the poor and developing countries.

It’s pretty obvious he has done his homework and presents both the scientific as well as the biblical and theology side. And he also addresses the varying opinions about global warming that are out there. He also has not been soft in his criticism of the way wealthy countries/corporations use and abuse poorer countries who sit on goldmines such as fossil fuels, but do not have the means to protect their environments from the ravages of the greedy.

All in all, this is a powerful document. But one that gives hope. He points out things that are working now as examples of what can be done.

One sentence that I was impressed with

“…Politics must not be subject to the economy, nor should the economy be subject to the dictates of an efficiency-driven paradigm of technocracy….”

Oh now wouldn’t that be an ideal world!

Right at the beginning he opens with the words of St Francis …

Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”….
and in the very next paragraph he boldly states
“…This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life. This is why the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22). We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth (cf. Gen 2:7); our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters….”
It kind of sets the tone for the rest of the document.
Regardless if you are a devout Catholic, of other Christian faith, Muslim or other religion, Agnostic or Atheist, you can take out the religious part if you want and you will still find this is a powerful document. This man packs a heap of a punch and has a fair amount of influence.  I’m hoping that it pays off.






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His Letter Is About To Go Public!

His Letter Is About To Go Public!

Do you remember the blog post I did recently about Pope Francis and the environment? … well, in it I said that the rockin’ Pope was going to be issuing an encyclical (see end for definition), about the environment and humanity’s relationship with nature.

Well, be prepared, folks – it’s due out on Thursday. That’s June 18th and I will try to keep you posted as soon as I hear what it says.

In them meantime – wrap your laughing gear around this. Last Tuesday, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of the UN trotted over to the Vatican and he and the Pope had a bit of a pow-wow session on climate change and its impact on the poor of the world.

They weren’t alone, there were scientists, diplomats and religious and political leaders in there as well.

As I said in the previous Pope post (say that 10 times quickly), his stance as rankled some of the more conservative Catholics not to mention the climate change skeptics. They reckon that the Pope is being misled by climate change scientists. And, get this – they believe that our sweet Francis should be arguing that fossil fuels are the moral choice for the developing world!

Now this statement doesn’t surprise me in the least as this has just been released “…The U.S. could be completely powered by renewable energy by 2050, according to a report from Stanford University…”.  CNBC NEWS . So I’m wondering how much these “skeptics” have invested that they are scrambling to try and back the fossil fuel industry

This “greenery” thing from the Vatican is actually not new. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, wrote about the role of industrial pollution in destroying the environment. And, surprising, Pope Benedict was labeled a “greeny” after he initiated projects to make the Vatican carbon-neutral. Other religious groups, including evangelical Christians, have spoken about the impact of environmental destruction on the poor.

Also, just as an aside. Did you know that Francis, when he was a Cardinal back in 2004, actually came out and said that destruction of the environment contributed to inequality and the need for social reforms.

Wait – there’s one more fact I want to tell you. He also trained as a chemist and became very interested in the links between environmental destruction and social ills, including a dispute over paper pulp mills on the border with Uruguay, which Argentina claimed were polluting local drinking water. Unfortunately it went to the World Court and they backed Uruguay.  Source.

It’s not a new thing for him and, obviously something he’s very passionate about.

So … it’s going to be interesting on Thursday when it all becomes public.

An encyclical is a letter – and one from the Vatican goes round to all Catholics world-wide … it’s read out during the service.






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New Label for Foodies – Pegan

New Label for Foodies – Pegan

Funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile.

So any ideas what a Pegan might be? To give you a clue, other labels can include Pescetarian – those who only eat fish and no other animal – or Fruitarians who eat only raw fruit and seeds.

So a new label has come into being originating from Dr. Mark Hyman and it’s the joining of Paleo and Vegan diets.

Whoa!  Didn’t think you’d be able to join those two together as I thought that Paleo needed meat, but apparently not. Go figure!

Vegan and Paleo are very similar as both focus on real, whole, fresh food that is sustainably raised.

  • Both shun dairy.
  • Paleos do not eat legumes or grains – Vegans do.
  • Paleos do eat meat – Vegans don’t.
However, Dr Hyman suggests that for the grains, stick to small portions of low glycemic grains like black rice or quinoa.
Beans are great, but again, stick to small amounts – about 1 cup a day is ample – (more than I’d eat.)
Although he’s not against eating sustainably raised, clean meat, whereas vegans won’t touch it, he does concede that meat does put pressure on the planet, which it does.
He goes on to to say eggs no longer have the impact on cholesterol as once thought, so they’re fine. Again a no no for the Vegans and I will debate that about the cholesterol!!!

Then he adds that fish, even though you should worry about the mercury that is now abounding through all fish, eat fat rich fish such as sardines or wild salmon to get omega 3. He fails to tell you that for omega 3 you can get eat flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seed, mustard oil, seaweed, beans (mungo beans the best) and the list goes on.

Just as an aside:  Wild rice should be a staple for all vegetarians and vegans. One cup cooked delivers lots of iron, protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. You’ll also get 156mg Omega 3 while only taking in 195mg of Omega 6.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Back to Dr Hyman.

He says

“…Looking at the research it is easy to get confused. Vegan diet studies show they help with weight loss, reverse diabetes and lower cholesterol.  Paleo diets seem to do the same thing….”

From what I can glean from his ideas, he’s saying that a vegan diet is fabulous, but if you don’t want to go vegan then a little bit of Paleo added to it works too = Pegan.


All the above has been written from a dietary point of view only …. being vegan encompasses more than just diet and, even if you go vegan for health reasons, you’ll soon discover just how much the animals and planet are benefiting from your choice.

Personally I will stick with being vegan.






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Earthquake in Nepal.

Earthquake in Nepal.

Many New Zealanders have such a close bond with Nepal regardless of whether they have been there or not.  This is due to one of our great explorers/adventurers Sir Edmund Hillary.  So when the news of the devastating earthquake reached us, we, as a nation poured out our love to the people there.

I also want to commend the N.Z. team of search and rescue people who have bags packed (so to speak) and will be ready to go if they are needed.

According to the Nepal members of the Humane Society, animals, including large carnivores such as lions and tigers, at the Central Zoo in Kathmandu are believed to be safe.  However, because this has been such a disaster within the urban areas, several pets, street dogs and livestock may have been killed, injured or abandoned.

My heart and my thoughts go out to the people and the animals of Nepal.


Many Blessings






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McDonalds Sponsored What?

McDonalds Sponsored What?

Today I read that a weekend conference for Nutritionists held in California had, as their main sponsor, McDonalds.

Yes, you read that right.  What on earth is McDonalds doing at a Nutrition conference???

It appears that they were promoting their ‘healthy menu’ by being the only provider of lunches ….. which, as far as I’m concerned, is no more ‘healthy’ than their regular meals.
To quote from the article:
One peered into a plastic bowl containing a salad of lettuce, bacon, chicken, cheese, and ranch dressing. The other arranged two chocolate chip cookies and a yogurt parfait on a napkin. “Eww,” she said, gingerly stirring the layers of yogurt and pink strawberry goop. The woman with the salad nodded in agreement, poking at a wan chicken strip with her plastic fork.”
Sounds disgusting.

McDonalds wasn’t the only sponsor, oh no, Hersheys, Butter Buds, Sizzler and California Pizza Kitchen were also there touting their wares. Even the California Beef Council were giving out pamphlets on how to lose weight by eating steak.

All of this is just so wrong. But unfortunately, we live in a society where those who have the money also have the power and to put on a large conference it takes money. It’s such a shame that those who organised this event perhaps had no other alternative but to get sponsorship from the least nutritional companies they could find.

I don’t believe they should have even considered doing such a thing as, in my mind, it just makes the word ‘nutritionist’ a complete farce.






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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