Making Choices
We all have choices, and making them determines our lives.
I was thinking recently, and I sometimes wonder if it’s such a good idea to sit down and ponder things, but when you get to a certain age, well, any age when you’ve got time on your hands, you tend to contemplate life.
One of the things I was thinking about recently was how all the decisions I have made up to this point have led me to this point.
They have led me to who I am, where I live, my friends, and everything that makes up my life. And this has all come from choices that I have made in the past.
Now, am I happy?
Too right, I’m happy.
I’m very grateful that I was born with the sunshine gene. Even my mother used
to tell me that I walked around with rose-tinted glasses on. I love it, and I still have those glasses.
In saying that, I know reality and understand what’s happening in the world. I keep myself up to date with world and local events to keep in the loop.
So I do know what’s happening. I’m not in La La Land, but I always look for the good in people. I always look for the good in things and think there is; how can I put this? It’s like the sun is always shining, regardless.
It doesn’t matter if it’s storming or cyclone or whatever, the sun is always shining because you get up beyond the rubbish and there you have the beautiful blue skies.
It’s like there is yin and yang.
We all know there are two sides, negatives and positives to everything.
And we always have a choice, regardless. We always have a choice of how to react to whatever is in front of us.
You can be bitter and twisted about something, or you can choose to be happy. It may sound simplistic, but if something is out of my control, it is up to me to find and be grateful for the silver lining, no matter how thin it is.
I used to always tell my children that they had a choice. When something happened with the kids, for example, they asked for or to do something, and I said no. Now, I would explain why they couldn’t have it or do it. But the answer was still no.
Generally, the first reaction was to pack a tante. get all upset and and say please, please, please, mama.
And I would say.
“Sorry, but you know the answer is no.
And this is the reason why.
Now you have a choice.
You can go away and cry, get upset and angry.
Or, you can go and find something else to do and be happy about it and focus on some good
thing that you can do.
Ride your bike or draw a picture or something.
The answer is still no.
It’s your choice as to how you react to it.”
They didn’t like it, but they understood it.
And later on, as adults, they told me that they used to get so angry when I would say that because they knew I was right. But it didn’t take them long to understand the principle, and once they got it, they embraced it.
You are always in the best place.
It’s the only place you’re in.
So make the best of it.
It’s simply that. It’s the choices we make.
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