Millie and I Say Goodbye

Millie and I Say Goodbye

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The end has come. I shifted out of the Bayfair house-sit Easter Monday and took up residence again with Ginge.

More of Ginge in another post.


This one is all about Millie.

What a delightful cat and so cuddly. She had me wrapped around her cute little paw.

I guess the photo in the featured image doesn’t really need any explanation. I had my suitcase on the floor in one of the bedrooms and Millie took to sleeping in it, as cat’s do. Problem was, she also had a bit of a knack on dragging the odd piece of clothing around. Managed to retrieve all but one sock – so there’s your answer to the disappearing sock!  It’s a “Millie” that takes it!

Yes, Millie ruled the roost – called the shots – bossed me around.

When I sat at the table to work on my computer, Millie was there walking all over me, keyboard and computer.


When I watched T.V. – there was Millie, up on my knee.  In saying that, she quite often didn’t sit still and was just as likely to suddenly jump off with no warning – give me a helluva fright.


But the best one was on Sunday morning when she jumped up onto the bed, walked up my body and then gave me “The Look” – you know that look. That look that says “why are you still in bed? you should be up getting me food!”  I thwarted her and managed to get a Selfie !!! she was not too happy about that.


I must admit, it was hard to say goodbye to Millie – but, off to say Hi to Ginge.



Here’s my “aside” for this post.  On the way I dropped off some green waste at the recycling yard, just a small amount from my seed tray (grow micro-greens).  I couldn’t help taking a photo of the flower and thinking – even in shit there’s beauty if you know how to look for it.


Feel free to comment …. go-on, you know you want to 🙂






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fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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