Combat Loneliness: Simple Ways to Reconnect

Combat Loneliness: Simple Ways to Reconnect

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This is the most brilliant quote I’ve read for a while.

the effect of smiles

It certainly resonated with me and got me thinking. I hope the same happens when you read it.

Overcoming Loneliness Tips

It was by a guy called Jean-Paul Sartre. He was a French philosopher, playwright, and novelist born in 1924—quite a remarkable philosopher and very interesting.

That whole concept of being alone for me is fine. I’ve lived alone for 18-odd years or so. But the lonely part. I will admit there has been an odd time when I have been a bit lonely. But thankfully, I recognised the feeling early on and did something about it so I didn’t spiral into that loneliness.

It’s at the beginning of that spiral when you need to do something. So here’s a couple of ideas:

  • Go for a walk listening to a podcast, music or audiobook.
  • Get yourself out into nature.
  • Go to a café, get a coffee and people-watch.
  • At the same café, take your computer and write emails or ‘journal your thoughts’.
  • Don’t hesitate to read out to someone. It might be a neighbour or whoever, but reach out to someone.
  • Watch a movie at home or go to the theatre and watch one there.
  • Go to the library and get a book. As my mom always used to say, if you’ve got a book to read, you’re never alone because books use your imagination and you can absorb yourself into the story

Perhaps try and learn something new. Go online and have a look and see if there is something in your neighbourhood that you would like to do. Is it is it dancing? Is it comedy? Is it learning how to work a computer?

Is that anything that gets you into a group situation, and especially a group situation where you’ve got younger people? So it’s not all just your age group. (I’m talking to the older people here now.) Younger people bring in a fabulous vibe. It’s brilliant when you talk to young people as they offer different perspectives.  So, if you feel like you’re spiralling into loneliness, go online, find a group to join, get out there, and participate in your community.

Overcoming Loneliness Tips


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fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
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