Wow! – 5 weeks goes by so fast. Now there’s a bit of a countdown going on here at the moment as I move out tomorrow.
The kitty cat is, I’m sure, looking forward to “mum” coming home – hahaha, just kidding….little kitty cat has no idea at all. I thought she would suspect when brought out the suitcase for the clothes and start dismantling the gear in the kitchen and bathroom, but she just went off to
Now I’m probably going to upset a few people … I know many of my friends love bacon. But there’s a difference between saying you like eating bacon to saying that it’s healthy.
So here’s the deal:
I came across a post the other day which declared that bacon was good for you, in fact it said it was a “Miracle” Food
8 Reasons were given.
With the World Health Organisation coming out last year saying that processed meats rank alongside smoking as a cancer
The Poms have done it …. they’ve left the European Union to stand alone. What does this mean?
Don’t ask me – I have no idea at all what is going to happen. And, nobody does.
What I do think is that people in Britain, like people in USA are just a little fed up with the status quo. There’s a bit of a hum here in N.Z. as well, can’t speak for Australia but I think the
The other day I had yet another example of the Internet showing you that you can find anything to go along with what you believe.
It started when an article popped up in my FB newsfeed from a friend who shared Moms Across America. The article was about some research showing that Roundup’s toxic chemical, Glyphosate, has been
I have been in this home for exactly one week and four days … bit remiss of me not to let you all know.
So what’s it like? Let me first introduce you to Puddy Girl (pronunciation as in pudding).
- Puddy Girl is a Burma.
- Puddy Girl is very little.
- Puddy Girl is very fluffy.
- Puddy Girl is very old.
- Puddy Girl rules the house.
O.k. enough of the “See Spot Run” type of writing, I know you’re a well educated and intelligent reader.
She was fine the first day, then, once she realised that mum was not home, she got a