Okay, Yes, I do start work at 9 a.m. I know, Lucky Me!!! I get an extra 1/2 hour in bed. What it means is that I’m the last one to arrive at the office.
But enough about my little perks. It’s the Thursday before Easter and I arrived at work raincoat and beret on because it’s raining. Let me say here, that umbrellas and I do not go together. Even if there is no wind the umbrella just seems to turn inside out, or won’t go up or, alternatively,
This the first house-sit with the gorgeous Millie.
It’s for 10 days and already I’m wishing it was for longer….I arrived yesterday afternoon (Saturday).
This is the most delightful home and Millie made herself all smoochy to me pretty much from the moment I stepped inside.
The position of this abode is fairly close to where I used to
We have lots of water, right? – Why don’t we give it away?
Read an article about the issue of freshwater, bottled here for free in N.Z. then shipped off overseas making money for the overseas-owned companies.
Now, according to Nick Smith, there is plenty of water and currently only a few companies involved. – so he’s not about to put a stop
Oooooo – doing the “happy dance” … because my new toy arrived this morning!!!!
Actually, the courier arrived at 7.30 a.m. – I mean to say, my day off and the bloody doorbell rings – who does that??? Oh yes, couriers!!!
But, even though I fell (literally) out of my bed, grabbed my dressing gown, nearly tripping on the belt as I staggeredly rushed to get to the door
What an awesome afternoon spent at the food fest put on by Envirohub at the Historic Village (Tauranga).
The weather could not have been more perfect.
My sweet friend, Marielle, who runs the Envirohub ship, asked if I’d lend a hand. Not that I was that much help because I spent a great deal of time talking to lots of different peeps that I met. But I did sell a few raffle tickets,