Today I read the most disturbing thing.
The Smithsonian Magazine reported that scientists are now messing about with the DNA of cows. Reason?
To combat climate change and the rise in global temperatures. So, let’s step back a minute. The first thing is that these particular scientists have declared their belief in global warming … which is a good thing.Now that they’ve done that – they have realized that, in order for the meat and dairy industries to continue, the cows are going to have to change. (We’re talking for both meat
Pope Francis has published his encyclical
and the 192 page document holds a lot of good stuff, that, hopefully, is going to be taken on board and will begin the change that is needed in this world we live in.I’m not about to summarize the encyclical … that would be a lengthy blog post. Instead I just want to say that he has covered a lot of topics from global warming to the issue of water, (even covering the pollution of the oceans), and the effects on the poor and developing countries.
It’s pretty
Do you remember the blog post I did recently about Pope Francis and the environment? … well, in it I said that the rockin’ Pope was going to be issuing an encyclical (see end for definition), about the environment and humanity’s relationship with nature.
Well, be prepared,
What’s in the news at the moment …. that is, world news, is the G7 meeting that’s just ended in Germany.
A quick definition of G7 = The Group of Seven is an informal bloc of industrialised democracies – the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom – that meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international
For those readers who don’t live in New Zealand, let me clear up something about this country. We are not clean and green as the advertisements say, we are dirty and trashy. This was brought home not that long ago by our own Environment Minister Nick Smith saying