I knew at the time I shouldn’t……but it was late, I was tired and coming home with the thought of having to turn around and start cooking dinner just wasn’t doing it for me.
“Shall I get takeaway?”
“No, better not, you know what it does to you”
“But, it’s late, I don’t want to face cooking.”
“Don’t think about it, you know you can have something quick at home.”
“Yeah, but can I be bothered”
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– and so the conversation in my head continued
Call me crazy, but I’m picking that you also have, what I call, “monkey chatter” going on in your head when faced with a dilemma ???
So, on the one hand, I had the option of stopping and picking up a burger
There are times when I feel so blessed to have been born to the mum and dad that I had – and yes, I do refer to them in the past tense. Being a little girl in the 50s was both a fun time as well as an affluent time.
We lived in a small town on about an acre of land around the house. We