Tag: lost

Lost My Phone

Lost My Phone

How much do you rely on your phone? As I live on my own, my phone is a massive connection to the outside world.

To say that I’m careful about having my phone with me when I leave a place is probably not overstating the obvious. So when I lost my phone for a few hours one morning, I realised just how much I rely on it.

The day began perfectly. I’d had a great sleep and woke refreshed. I threw on my gym gear, had a glass of lemon water and headed off to pick up my friend, Kathy, to go and do a workout.

I’d better come clean. My workout is not one of those vigorous, pumping types, getting all sweaty and puffed. Mine is done with a fraction more decorum. I’ve decided that pushing 70 is exercise enough.

But I still go and get on the treadmill, lift a weight or two and play with a ball which you can see in my post “The Gym Experience”

Having my girlfriend with me (a fellow Improver) makes the experience even better as we usually end up laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

The session ended, and off we went. Dropping off Kathy, I then headed to the market to grab an apple. I reached into my gym bag to get my phone and was horrified to find it wasn’t there.

“Take a deep breath and think about this, Fee,” I told myself.

Having looked in the car, I figured that it must be still at the gym, and I was pretty sure I knew where. After getting the apple (I wasn’t going to miss out), I headed back, parked the car, ran up the stairs and got to reception, hoping that it had already been handed in.

Nope.       Darn.

I went in and checked around all the equipment I’d used but found crickets – nothing, zilch.

The lady at reception suggested I go to my service provider and see if they could “find the phone” or, at the least, block it.

Here I’m going to plug 2 Degrees, the phone company I’ve been with since they began. A brilliant young guy bent over backwards to help me (please don’t visualise this chap literally bending over, although it’s a pleasant image).

Immediately he blocked the sim card. 

Oh, and before we go on – yes, the phone was unlocked!!!! I had to fess up to that to my embarrassment. Not that I have any nude or porno pics, but I didn’t want ones of my grandies getting out there in the world.

We then spent the next… I don’t know how long, but it seemed like ages, trying to find my phone via Google.

What is it with Google? A new thing now is to do a two-step verification, and guess how that is done? They send a code to your phone!!!!! This meant, of course, that we couldn’t get into my Google account because I DIDN’T HAVE A PHONE! 

lost my phone

The lovely guy then populated a new sim card with my phone number and put it into a sample phone. Still didn’t work.

So finally I went home. Now I have to say here that I’m am very impressed with myself for not flying off the handle, getting overwhelmed or feeling gutted. I took the view that shit happens, and one has to simply “let it go”. It is such a waste of energy to get pissed off with something that is out of your control. I thought, just do the steps and see what the outcome is. If push comes to shove, I could simply get a new phone and begin a new journey.

But I didn’t have to. When I got home, I did a Google search for “find my phone” and, voila, there on Google maps it was…. at the gym!

It looked like it was in the car park, so I enlisted Kathy to come and help look under cars – I mean, c’mon, I didn’t want to be the “some random chick on all fours in the car park”.

With no luck, I went back to reception and YAY; it had just been handed in. My phone had been found sitting on the water fountain, and that’s when I remembered. I had taken the phone out of my pocket, put it on the water-cooler and proceeded to use the scales to weigh myself (I don’t possess these). 

BOOM! Found the phone (and a bonus – lost weight).

See, just do the steps and trust in the process to a final result. 

So how much is your phone to you? Have you ever lost it? Tell me in the comments below, as I’d love to know that I’m not the only ditsy blond (well, grey).

lost my phone








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fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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