2021 and I think it’s time I updated this website – so I’ve given it a brand new look.
For the past year I have been focusing on my vegan resource website and the blog posts I was writing for it, I copied onto here. But I really missed the ‘old me’ the way I used to write with all the silliness, the rants and the raves and, hopefully, the entertainment.
Now the other website posts are generally serious ones and naturally all about veganism in its many forms. So, although I’m not housesitting on a permanent basis anymore, I do have other interests that give my life colour and adventure.
Time to get writing about that side of my life.
If you have subscribed to this blog, I sure hope you’ll stick around. I’ve gone through and taken out the vegan side of my life and kept, what I believe, are the classic posts. Now most of them are ‘out of date’ BUT one or two have been quite interesting to look back on. For example, a post I did back in 2016 before the American primaries for that year’s election had happened The Phenomena That Is Donald Trump I did not for one moment think Trump would get in, but then I thought Bernie Sanders would win the Primaries – how wrong I was.
These are the things I like to write about and so this new look Fee’s Ramblings will be rather random!
Do hope you stick around.