When is a Toy Not a Toy?

When is a Toy Not a Toy?

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There are times when I see things and I do wonder what the story is. And this was one of those times when I spied a toy.

So in this case I have to ask – when is a toy not a toy? And I’m not talking about adult toys…  Please, raise your thoughts into higher spheres.


Although, in this case, there may be a bit of ‘gutter speak’ going on.


Now, this particular type of little toy – see image below, I’ve seen around many times. It pops up in odd places, like hanging on a keyring or on a kiddie’s backpack.


This little man is keeping guard over the front door, hanging from the coat rack.




So when I spied one on the back of a large Toyota trucky-type vehicle, I smiled but then did a double-take when I spied something rather unusual about it.


First thing I noticed was that it was on the outside back window and gave the illusion that someone, other than the owner, had put it there, deliberately.

Now, I’m quite sure that the guy who owns the Toyota. Whoa, that’s a bit sexist of me to assume that it’s someone of the male persuasion that owns this double-cab massive, extremely clean (LOL) wagon. It could easily be a woman.


But I digress.


Now the person who owns the truck, I’m quite sure didn’t attach the toy up there for all to see. And what makes me think that is because the very next day, the truck was in the gym car park but the toy was gone!


So, take a look at the photo……. Carefully.



As I said, I did do a double-take when I saw that an extra appendage had been added.

Now what nudges my funny-bone is that there has to be some story that goes along with it.

  • An inside joke?
  • A jilted lover?
  • A flirtatious affair?


I realise I’ll never know the story, but it was certainly fun thinking about it.


One of the joys of my life is finding the funny.

fee figures







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fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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