The Fun of Elections.

The Fun of Elections.

I do wonder about the intelligence of some people who are out on the campaign trail.

And, no, I’m not talking about the old folk duking it out in USA!

Ah, the fun of elections!

We’re in the middle of the first Council election in several years. This is all due to the dreadful mismanagement, infighting, and overall debacles that led the government of the day to step in and appoint read more

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Seventy is NOT Old!

Seventy is NOT Old!

I do wonder about how young people’s minds work.

I read an article recently by a young person who was of the opinion that people over the age of 70 should re-sit their driver’s license every year. It’s like, what? You have got to be kidding me.

Okay, I do agree that there are some old farts out there that drive at nought miles an hour read more

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Life Could Be A Bit Slower!

Life Could Be A Bit Slower!

Ever had a moment when you realised that if life were a bit slower, things would turn out better?

Well, I did not that long ago. An event took place that certainly made me wake up to the fact that I tend to rush through life when I don’t have to.

Let me set the scene.

It was a Wednesday morning. I had been out for my morning walk, clipping along at a decent speed while listening to my favourite read more

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Hot Chocolate – Be Still My Beating Heart!

Hot Chocolate – Be Still My Beating Heart!

Strange as it may seem to all chocolate lovers out there…..not everyone loves chocolate!  Let me reassure you, I’m definitely a chocolate lover.

This post was originally published on 20/3/2011 and updated on 14.08.2023

Here are five fun facts about this beautiful confection.

Chocolate and Mood: Chocolate contains compounds such as phenylethylamine and anandamide, which are associated with feelings of pleasure read more

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Life’s Lessons

Life’s Lessons

As we journey through life, we meet people who impact our lives. They may stay for five minutes, five years or a lifetime. But while they are within our circle, we learn from them, which is all part of our growth.

Well, that’s the way I see it. Many people have come into my life over the last read more

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About Me

About Me

Thanks for dropping by, my name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author and an Improver. I’ve got a resource website to help peeps go plant-based, I’ve scribbled six books centred around veganism, and have helped others write and publish their own stories.
But this blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s Ramblings Over Coffee is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



Don't be shy, please contact me if you have any questions or what you'd like me to write about.

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