A Snapshot Look At Me?

A Snapshot Look At Me?

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Here’s a repertoire of what makes me frown or smile:

What gets me pissed off:environment

  • The incredible abuse we do to the environment – well that’s just ongoing.
  • The blatant sidestepping of the government so issues don’t have to be addressed.
  • The fact that something else comes along to take the short attention span of the media and the public away from something else.
  • The TPP – which currently seems to lie dormant in the minds of the majority due to the fact we’ve got the Panama Papers to keep us busy … my view? The stopping of the TPP is more important.

What saddens me:syrian refugee crises

  • The terror, the hatred, the pain that innocent people around this world face because of the incessant greed both for wealth and power of a few.
  • The destruction our species has done and continues to do to this stunningly beautiful and kind planet.


What makes me proud:no GMO

  • My children as they are all exceptional adults who care about others, never judge and care about animals and the environment
  • The work that is done by people for the underdogs of this world – both human and non-human.
  • Those who actually give a damn about the world.
  • My friends/family who succeed on their chosen path – more so if I’ve lent a helping hand.

What makes me laugh:cat meme

  • The calamity that is happening to the Republican party now that it seems like The Don is all they’ve got.
  • The jostling and the playing of games our politicians do – pretty much regardless of which party they’re from.
  • Most of the Gifs and Memes on FaceBook – now they’re clever
  • Cats
  • And pretty much anything – I seem to find amusement in the oddest places and the smallest thing = I just love to laugh.
Auckland Airport
And if you don’t know where this is – it’s the check in area for AirNZ Auckland Airport where I’d like to be right now

What I love:

  • Having a coffee with a friend or friends/family – and it doesn’t necessarily have to be coffee!
  • Muck around on the internet or my computer.
  • Making graphics (see all images on this blog) – one day I’ll get into Gifs!
  • Airports – means I’m either going somewhere or coming home!
  • So let’s put travel in this category.


Obviously, there’s lots more, but that will give you a bit of a look into my world…. perhaps I’ve had one glass of wine too many!







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About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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