Author: Fee Writes

The Story About A Sheep

The Story About A Sheep

Once upon a time there was a sheep who was all alone.

Well, the story goes like this.  While I was in the country (yes, I’m back in the city now), I would take a morning perambulation to survey the countryside around me and take in the beautiful refreshing air.

In the paddock that ran alongside the road, the sheep meandered, munching on grass, heads down as sheep do, until I walked past.  Then it was heads jerked up, ears attuned and when I got too close it was off with a race to put a bit more distance between us.

But, at the top of the road where there were no sheep, there, on his/her lonesome was a single sheep just sitting, doing nothing, almost like he (we’ll call it he – saves on me having to type the letter “s”), was waiting for something – or maybe someone?

The first couple of mornings he bleated when he saw me and actually wandered over to the fence.  However, I couldn’t get to him as there was a double fence line with quite a gap between, so I have no idea if I could have pat him as I would have liked to have done.

He was there every morning for a couple of weeks.  Then just as quickly as he’d appeared – he was gone.

Now, I’m going to make up the story that he had been feeling a little depressed and had wanted some “time out”.  Then, on feeling back to his old self again (maybe my visits helped), he’d gone back to join his mates in the flock.  That is a far better image than him having been singled out to fatten up for the Christmas table.

Oh, and just so you know that I really was in the country …. I photo bombed the sheep and the chooks where I was staying.

At time of writing I had, in fact, left the country and was already ensconced in the first of the house-sits for 2017 … but I did have Christmas here.



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Harbourmaster Uses Council Boat To Free Orca – Stood Down

Harbourmaster Uses Council Boat To Free Orca – Stood Down

A Coromandel (N.Z.) Harbourmaster has been stood down because he used a Council boat to go and free an Orca.

A breeding female orca was trapped in a cray pot line for 16 hours – Yup 16 HOURS!!!! and the DOC (Department of Conservation) peeps were “too busy” to go and free her. So, in the end, the Harbourmaster along with a volunteer who had training in Dolphin and Whale rescue went out to her aid.

She was being held up by other members of her pod – if that’s not distress I don’t know what is!

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They did get her free and she swam away.

But now the Waikato Regional Council is

“checking whether any regulations were breached or operational procedures not followed during the rescue”

and the Harbourmaster has been stood down.

This is P.C. gone afoul – as usual. Who gives a toss if regulations have been breached! The Harbourmaster knew what he was doing, didn’t put anyone at risk and saved the Orca. He should be commended not reprimanded!

I’ll get off my soapbox now.






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C’mon Now, Save The Bees!

C’mon Now, Save The Bees!

We really do have to save the bees. And I’m over the big corp bullying.

It came to my attention yesterday that the chemical corporation, Bayer (Bayer is the German version of Monsanto, more about this corp below), is suing Europe! The European Commission to be exact.

And this is because…

Back in 2013 scientific studies concluded that the pesticides with Neonicotinoids in them definitely killed bees.  So the E.U. banned three pesticides. Now, Bayer wants to overturn that decision so they can start selling this stuff again.

I do find it rather ironic that this is coming now when Bayer is about to acquire Monsanto, the other big chemical giant. If this happens, then Bayer will have world dominance over seed production.

Stick with me here…

Bayer produces seeds which have Neonicotinoids over them. That means, once they are planted this chemical spreads throughout the plant and kills any insect that happens to come along to have a wee snack …. including bees which are there for the pollen.

big corp bullying

The plants are also unable to re-generate meaning that the farmer must get new seeds each planting time (my understanding is that is under the GMO part of seed raising) – I am actually going somewhere here.

  1. So Bayer takes over Monsanto.
  2. Bayer produces seeds that kill bees.
  3. Bayer produces GMO plants that can’t regenerate.

My little brain equates that to…

Bayer wants total world domination of the food supply.

Do you agree? Would love to see your views in the comments below.

Either way, it would be excellent if you would take a minute to sign the petition just click:


save the bees






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Is It A Human’s Right To Have Water?

Is It A Human’s Right To Have Water?

Do you believe that every human being has a right to have water … for free?

Back in 2013, Peter Brabeck the Chairman of the Board of Nestlé upset the world when he began pushing for the privatization and control of water across the world. He created such a furore that he back-tracked his initial statement and gave his reasons.

Before I go into what those reasons were, let me say that Nestlé wanted to take control to the extent that in 2000 at the World Water Forum they successfully lobbied to

stop water being declared the universal right of every person. 

Since then they have been pushing for control.

Already water is being pumped out by the millions of gallons, put into plastic bottles which are then sold to a gullible public to the point that it has become almost a status symbol of the wealthy.

Will it end up that just the wealthy will be able to afford clean water?

Peter Brabeck’s argument is that if the water is owned, then it is the responsibility of the owner to make sure that it is clean. He believes that as water remains “free” it is

“wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed … it is abused and polluted making it undrinkable in its natural state.  And, if we’re not careful, the water will become so polluted that the citizens will not be able to use it in any way at all.”

You have to admit that he has a point – take the town of Flint in the USA as a classic example of water being polluted so badly it can’t be used.

Geez, even N.Z. is well on the way to having a drinking water problem as over 70% of all waterways are so badly polluted they are deemed to be toxic. Also, according to NZ ecologist Russell Death,

“We have the highest level of many of these waterborne gastrointestinal diseases in the OECD.” 

that’s just insane for a country that tells the world we are clean and green.

However, I certainly am NOT in favour of privatizing water… not one little bit. In fact, I’d like to see companies who bottle water for the supermarket shelves to either stop doing it or replace the plastic with recyclable glass!!!!

Because there’s the other problem with “private water”…

Plastic is the bane of the modern world and it is time we face up to the fact that we just have to STOP using it.

All of this has been prompted by a petition to:

Tell Nestlé that humans have a right to water.
Stop locking up our resources!

You can sign the petition here: Tell Nestlé

I’d be very interested to read what you think about this so please feel free to scroll down and use the comments section below.






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Experiencing Country Life!

Experiencing Country Life!

I honestly didn’t think I’d be experiencing country life again.

It would have to be at least 18 years since I’ve lived in the country. Like, really in the country!

So why am I here?

I left the last house-sit not quite two weeks ago. Yes, I apologise to those who are following me (all two of you), who are actually interested in where I am.

My new “digs” are now about 1/2 hour drive from the city heading North. When I say 1/2 an hour – that’s when the traffic is normal. Peak time can be around 45 – 55 minutes. But that’s o.k. gives me time to plot and scheme about stuff!

I’m here until late December when I’ll be back in the city looking after Lily again.

Now, the household is made up of my beautiful friends Caitlin and Rob and their adorable cat, Ruby. The vibes here are super loving and I couldn’t be with better people.

With you in mind, I took my camera when I went for my walk …. yes, I’m walking and checking out the neighbourhood just for you ……

Meet the neighbours:

These two gorgeous Clydesdales belong to the neighbour
These two gorgeous Clydesdales belong to the neighbour
The sheep are just across the road
The sheep are just across the road
Just some of the girls who live here with us
Just some of the girls who live here with us
There's always a Pukeko close by
There’s always a Pukeko close by

Even the proverbial barn

The neighbour is creating a beautiful fence of roses in front of the avocado trees.
The neighbour is creating a beautiful fence of roses in front of the avocado trees.
And best of all ... Ruby
And best of all … Ruby

Ahhh, country life.






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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