Author: Fee Writes



This is just gorgeous!!!!

Can’t you just hear it –

“she loves me…..she loves me not…..she loves me….”






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Deer Rescue – Awesome!!!

Deer Rescue – Awesome!!!

I love these types of stories.

These guys are amazing ….. and what a ride for the deer!!!!







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Twitter and #Egypt529

Twitter and #Egypt529

I’m still coming to grips with Twitter and the “trending” thing they have going on, but what amazed me was that I had to search the trending part for what people are saying about what has recently happened in Egypt i.e. the sentencing of 529 Morsi supporters to death. A further mass trial of 683 could also face the death penalty.
DJ Rubiconski tweeted “If 529 white Europeans were sentenced to death there would be an invasion of ‪#Egypt‬ tomorrow by a coalition of Western countries.” …  and it would be with all guns blazing!

Here is another example of the outrageous, stupid, inhumane, cruel, senseless, power hungry,  … what other adjectives can I add … way humans treat other humans, this time on a massive scale. The sad part is that we see this on a daily basis in small and, sometimes, unseen ways in our own backyards.

  • Violence to women
  • Violence to children
  • Neighbours at war
  • Bullying in schools, home, workplace
  • Drunken brawls

You can keep adding to the list, I’m sure you get my flow here.

So it’s no wonder humans can be so violent towards animals without flinching.

Do you think it’s a lost cause – animal welfare? I don’t.

I look around and see growing evidence (albeit growing slowly) that humans are gradually pulling themselves out of the caveman mentality and are starting to “care” about other humans – evidence being the flip side of #egypt529 which is #MH370 – the Malaysian plane that has gone missing with 239 people on board. Here we see Governments falling over themselves trying to find this plane and I believe it is not so much that it makes these “helping” countries look good, but that they are actually able to do something without having their hands tied in red tape and without fear of causing diplomatic incidents (which reminds me …. Ukraine’s gone quiet).

No, as per the list above, it’s in our backyards that the real cavemen lurk

It’s these cavemen we need to convince that they have to start respecting other humans then we might have a chance of them respecting animals.

Artist – Banksy






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Should There Be a Law To Make Growers Use Sprays?

Should There Be a Law To Make Growers Use Sprays?

I came across this today which really saddened me: French Organic Farmer Refuses to Spray (update – article no longer available)

Basically it said that an organic and biodynamic winemaker, Emmanuel Giboulot, had appeared before a judge for not treating his vineyard with a chemical spray as a preventive measure against a bacterial vine disease. He could face up to 6 months in jail for this. He has already been fined 1,000EU for putting his neighbors’ vineyards at risk.

He argues that the pesticide is harmful to beneficial insects and animals, and may not even be effective at preventing the vine disease. He says “I don’t want to undo decades of work applying a treatment where the effects on the health of the vines, and the public, are as yet unproved.”

Now I’m not disputing the fact that this disease is devastating to the vineyards in France (or anywhere else for that matter), but, as of date, this grower has not had the disease, in fact his vines are perfectly healthy and, as he does his own preventative measures, I doubt if he’ll ever have the disease ….. (his grapes, not him) .
My brain doesn’t get the logic of France’s law to use pesticides to control this disease when it’s obvious that it doesn’t work anyway.  
Which leads me to believe that, once again, big business has used (abused), its power to get more people to buy its product in order to gain more profit.
The court will be making its final verdict on April 7th – that’s when we’ll see what happens to Emmanuel Giboulot.
I’ll, hopefully, get the result and update this post. Let’s hope Emmanuel is strong enough to withstand the pressure.

UPDATE 8 April 2014:  The final verdict has now been announced. Emmanuel Giboulot has been ordered to pay pay a €500 (a fine of €1,000, with €500 suspended.) – he is going to appeal.  More Info






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Calcium Rich – Health Poor?

Calcium Rich – Health Poor?

It’s taken a couple of years but I finally got around to registering with a Doctor. The reason I’ve changed is because I shifted towns and now live too far away from the previous medical center that I used to go to.

So I picked a center close by and made an appointment to go in to interview the new Doctor. Silly me, I had a wild hope that this guy would be somewhat knowledgeable with the vegan lifestyle.

It wasn’t that he opposed my food choice, but he did admit to not knowing a lot about nutrition. He asked the usual questions about where I get specific vitamins (at least he didn’t ask about protein), then went on to say that the chances were that I’d be lacking in calcium …. the much needed mineral for bones.

He supplied me with a list of all the calcium rich foods which, naturally, had dairy products right at the top.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to argue the point that if dairy was the best source then how come the rate of osteoporosis has increased in the Western world?

Studies have found that “Osteoporosis is, in fact, a disease caused by a number of things, the most important of which is excess dietary animal protein”. Now I’m not a scientist, I’m not a trained nutritionist but I do have the power of deduction and when I learn that people who live in countries that have no or very little animal products yet have no sign of osteoporosis and are able to live healthier lives than we do, my logical brain does have to wonder why.

1964 – 2013
The meat and dairy industry have hoodwinked us for generations into believing that we must consume animal products in order to be healthy.  If you take a look at food pyramids put out by “respected” sources like the Heart Foundation  you’ll see that, yes, they put vegetables at the top of the list, but they also have animal products including dairy designated to quarter of the plate.
I’m not against dairy, but in this day and age the dairy that is supplied to us is no longer true (unless you buy raw milk), as it is messed about with so much at the treatment plant that it is nothing like the milk that comes directly from the cow.  It’s for this reason, (along with animal welfare and environment), that I have chosen to no longer consume dairy.

So the next time I see this Doctor I just might bring up the topic of dairy, calcium and osteoporosis.

Oh, and his comment about not knowing much about nutrition?  Very common in Doctors – I wonder why they still take the Hippocratic Oath as Hippocrates says: “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
UPDATE:  Have had the results back from the blood tests that the doctor wanted me to have … you know, “just like to check that you’re not lacking in certain areas”. Well, what’d know – all perfect, in fact, more than perfect!  Iron higher than a healthy meat eater …. calcium high – duh, of course it is.  hahaha – love it!






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About Me

About Me

Thanks for dropping by, my name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author and an Improver. I’ve got a resource website to help peeps go plant-based, I’ve scribbled six books centred around veganism, and have helped others write and publish their own stories.
But this blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s Ramblings Over Coffee is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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