Laugh! Geez did I have a real “laugh out loud” moment when I read the headlines “NASA plans to farm greens on the moon” – are they saying that greens are far more important than cows or sheep or pigs…..????
No, I realise that’s not what they’re saying that at all – it will be easier to “farm” vegetables than farm animals. But I do find it very interesting that they hold the “greens” in such high esteem as to want to actually grow them on the moon (or in space). The reason being is that, according to this article: Tossed In Space the scientists are really working hard to make food from the new technology of 3D-printing.
I don’t have a problem with 3D-printing especially when it comes to tools etc that may be needed in space. But food? No, no, please don’t go there! I find this quite alarming especially for highly trained, fit and skilled astronauts – the last thing they need is cardboard food!!!
So here’s hoping they get the vegetables to grow …. then we can have Vegan astronauts – what wonderful role models they will be then!
And, no, it’s not me who is promoting unhealthy food….far from it.
This video (at the end of this post) came across my desk the other day and when I first viewed it I must admit it did look like a good idea to help with a cultural tradition, but then I got to thinking about it and suddenly it just seemed wrong on many levels.
It’s not the actual “mask” that is the problem.
Again, people are bombarded with the marketing strategies of corporate fast foods – the most unhealthy foods on the planet. Here are people who have been healthy eaters until the western fast food companies arrived and now these companies are determined to really try to corrupt a nation and increase their risks of numerous diseases all associated with processed, nutrition-less foods.
Who gains by the deterioration of a country’s health – the pharmaceutical companies? the medical profession? the health insurance companies? the meat processing companies?….. I’m sure the list goes on and, do you notice that these are all the big corporations – of course you do.
And on the flip side – who suffers? The nation’s ordinary man in the street? the environment? the farmers who practice sustainable farming? the organic industry? all of whom are the victims of the abuse from the fast-food industry who really don’t give a jot about the Joe Blogs of this world.
Again, it’s not the “mask” – it’s the marketing ploy totally invented to increase sales (and it’s worked).
Time to make a stand. We can each do our bit by refusing to purchase from these food outlets – start eating whole foods and actually “know” what you are putting into your mouth.
In the meantime, have a look at the cultural aspect of this video it’s actually a very clever to get around a problem.
I found this quite fascinating ….. but not surprising.
During WWII Britain’s population was short of food. Rationing was put in place for such things as butter, sugar and bacon which was then followed up with eggs, meat, cheese, cereals, jam and milk.
So far I see that list as pretty impressive.
Every person was issued with a ration book. Some exceptions were made with the likes of pregnant women and children given extra milk and eggs. The under 5 year olds had organ juice, blackcurrent juice, rosehip syrup and cod liver oil, but interestingly enough they were only allowed half of the meat ration.
To make up for the rationing, people were encouraged to dig up their flower gardens and plant vegetables. The government also provided public areas which, even today, are used for vegetable growing – called allotments…awesome idea.
Along with the rationing of food, there was also rationing of petrol which meant people either used public transport, walked or biked to get where they wanted to go. With all that walking/biking along with digging in a garden you can imagine how fit they were.
During this time, no-one went hungry. The population slimmed down, were healthier and there was a fall in tooth decay. I would also guess that community spirit was lifted, and that people were more likely to help each other.
It’s a pity these ethics didn’t continue. Yes, I know, people were so grateful that the war years were over and so enjoyed the abundance that followed in the 50’s. I’m certainly not advocating a war, but I do wonder why we continue not to learn from history and apply those wonderful benefits somehow to our modern society.
New Zealand has the dubious honor of having the largest dairy exporting company in the world. Yup, little N.Z. can lay claim that dairy products are exported to more that 100 countries around the globe.
The company’s name is Fonterra and you can bet your bottom dollar that they will outstrip and outsmart any other company that makes dairy products.
The latest “innovative” move they have made is to introduce a “light-proof” plastic milk bottle Now I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they genuinely thought they were right when they came up with the idea that milk deteriorates when it comes in contact with light and they should do something about it, but I’m more inclined to think that this is one helluva marketing ploy that will get the punters believing that, not only is milk good for you but it should be kept in the dark.
I spoke to a sales lady who was promoting the new bottles in the super market the other day, the conversation went something like this:
Lady: Do you like the new bottle?
Me: No, I don’t – I can’t see how much is left. (I thought that’s what most people would be annoyed at)
Lady: If you can’t see the milk then that’s actually a good thing, as it means neither can the light!
Me: (under my breath -duh) It still doesn’t solve the problem. So you’re saying that one just has to do the weight and shake test and judge when you’re going to run out? The lady ignored my question.
Me: With three layers….that seems like an awful lot of plastic.
Lady: These bottles are 100% recyclable.
Me: Maybe, but it just seem like more plastic.
Lady: The plastic is thinner, so there’s not that much more at all. Did you know that with these bottles it means that the milk will be as good on day 15 as it is on day 1.
Me: Mmmmmm, I think you’ll find that a bottle of milk will be used within about 3 or 4 days in the majority of families – or are you saying that I can leave the milk out on the bench longer?
Lady: Oh no, the milk still has to be refrigerated.
Me: So there’s really no difference then.
Lady: Yes, this milk tastes better.
Me: I can’t see why if the milk is still used up quickly….milk is milk.
Lady: But with these bottles it’s fresher.
Me: I can’t see why – other companies get the milk bottled and into the stores daily, just like Fonterra does.
And so the conversation continued.
I finally got bored and left. I’d had my humour for the day, so off I went to get my soy milk. I don’t drink animal milk anyway!
When I was putting this blog together I came across an article that said the recycling companies are not happy with this bottle as it takes more energy and resources to recycle it. Wish I’d known that when I was talking to the lady!
There was also a comment made by ‘Whiti (N.Z.)’ who threw up another argument:
“My wife is a science teacher and just couldn’t resist testing the new bottle. Happy to report that the bottle does indeed appear to be light proof. Unfortunately the good old fashioned lid is not. Given that most light tends to shine down seems a bit of an oversight if it’s really all that important. Maybe just a lot of hype over nothing? Nice try Fonterra better luck next time.”
Good one, Whiti, couldn’t have said it better myself.
I often wonder when I see mums with youngsters in strollers walking along the sidewalk – do they realize that the baby’s face is usually in a direct line to the cars’ exhaust?
Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World Over Coffee is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.
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