Category: Random

What Is To Come?

What Is To Come?

We can have a future if we put our minds to it. But it won’t be the politicians who make it happen.

At the first world food summit In 1974, Henry Kissinger famously said:


“We will end hunger within a decade.”


His statement seems pathetic now as we are close to 2 billion people facing hunger. And because of the impact from the COVID pandemic, we’re about to enter another hunger endemic due to the global recession and climate impact.


Doesn’t this say that on every level our economic system does not work? Decades of neoliberalism has taken us to the brink of disaster. It’s time to make changes – dramatic ones.


One thing that Jacinda Adern (N.Z. Prime Minister) got right is that she’s removed G.D.P. growth as an objective. We were the first to do this and quickly after both Scotland and Iceland followed suit. Costa Rica and Cuba are another two other countries primarily based around human well-being, social justice and solidarity. These are the areas that should be at the heart of any government.

[ss_click_to_tweet tweet=”All countries should focus on the well-being of their citizens and not make GDP the top priority. The old economic system has proven to be broken – let’s make a new one #economics #socialwellbeing” content=”” style=”default”]


Where the hope comes from is the grass-roots movements. Before COVID, we saw many massive protests going on around the world where people told their governments that they are over the selfish way, the failing economic systems and the inequalities. They want more done. Even last year, we saw many take to the streets crying out over the disparities in their lives. It is this swell of humans taking to the streets that make change happen. We’ve seen this in the U.S.A. with the new administration. It has listened to at least some of what the people want. The fact that they are going to invest two trillion in the environment is a great start. It will be interesting to see how much more will be achieved in the next four years.


We need to be able to describe the world we want, and in doing so, we will build the pressure and hold the feet of those in power in the fire, so they give us a different kind of community that works. 


There is hope as more and more people worldwide are demanding a more inclusive system, a fairer justice and a cleaner world. And I see many within these movements as the movers and shakers who can lead us to a brighter future.







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The Dating Scene

The Dating Scene

What happens when you have three girlfriends, a bottle or two of wine and a lockdown? Mayhem!

The three women in question all have husbands. Wait, let me amend that. Two of them have a man in their life, and one is single. So what should the single one do? Why go on the dating scene.

It’s lockdown in New Zealand and the message going out is to stay in your ‘bubble’. The three women decide that they’ll make a unique bubble once a week and get together for wine and chatter under the guise of giving the single lass company at least for a few hours.

social time
(not the 3 I’m talking about)

The conversation soon turned to the single status of the third woman who, by the way, is the oldest and, if you haven’t guessed yet, was me.

Tinder was the first suggestion, quickly snubbed as being for the young folk and as it’s lockdown wouldn’t be able to meet up anyway! Next on the cards was online dating. So the heads got together and a profile, with image, was loaded up.

[ss_click_to_tweet tweet=”Do dating sites work or am I just being a picky bitch? No luck for me but fun trying. #wheresmrright #datingsites #datingblog” content=”” style=”default” link=”1″ via=”1″]

I’ve been down this road before. You see it’s been many (like MANY) years since I’ve been in a relationship, so the dating sites have had a fair go to little or no success.

Being a bit of a picky bitch probably doesn’t help! Let alone the fact that I’m vegan. This has put off many a chap, but as my friends say, “their loss”. So this time round I agreed that the ‘vegan’ part, although not hidden, wasn’t to be a barrier.

Now we come to the present day and it’s way past lockdown – that was “so last year”, but with the girls telling me to ‘smile’ ‘wink’ and ‘message’ every male that was put in front of me (not that I did), it was quite the eye-opening experience.

The men came and went. They were all genuine people, but not one of them rocked my boat. Most were looking for a woman to look after them, which probably goes without saying for men my age. So where is the independent chap, the outgoing, generous, try anything type of guy who has some fashion sense and can hold a decent conversation? He has eluded me.

It’s funny, but I always thought it was women who only wanted to talk about themselves. How wrong am I? Perhaps it’s nerves on their part? Of all the men I met, only a couple found out I had three children and where they lived… let alone my grandchildren. And only one discovered that I do Improv comedy! And yet I heard all about their families and their interests. Maybe I should start up a school on ‘how to date for the older person’.

Needless to say – I’m still single, it’s now 2021, and I have deleted all profiles off the dating sites. Mr Right will come along; he’s just not quite ready to introduce himself yet.






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A Brand New Look

A Brand New Look

2021 and I think it’s time I updated this website – so I’ve given it a brand new look.

For the past year I have been focusing on my vegan resource website and the blog posts I was writing for it, I copied onto here. But I really missed the ‘old me’ the way I used to write with all the silliness, the rants and the raves and, hopefully, the entertainment.

Now the other website posts are generally serious ones and naturally all about veganism in its many forms. So, although I’m not housesitting on a permanent basis anymore, I do have other interests that give my life colour and adventure.

Time to get writing about that side of my life.

If you have subscribed to this blog, I sure hope you’ll stick around. I’ve gone through and taken out the vegan side of my life and kept, what I believe, are the classic posts. Now most of them are ‘out of date’ BUT one or two have been quite interesting to look back on. For example, a post I did back in 2016 before the American primaries for that year’s election had happened The Phenomena That Is Donald Trump  I did not for one moment think Trump would get in, but then I thought Bernie Sanders would win the Primaries – how wrong I was.

These are the things I like to write about and so this new look Fee’s Ramblings will be rather random!

Do hope you stick around.






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Just Having A Bit Of Fun

Just Having A Bit Of Fun

Today is all about having a bit of fun!

Each Friday I like to post a cartoon or some other funny meme up on the Social Media pages.

So here are just some I’ve post over the past couple of months.

Have an awesome day!






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Is Nicotine Good For You?

Is Nicotine Good For You?

So what do you think about the title?

Is Nicotine Good For You?

Bet you never thought the Healthy Vegan would come out with something like that did you? Well, sit tight, I’m about to tell you all about what I’ve just discovered.

Back in the 60’s when the tobacco companies were trying to stop the Surgeon General’s warning going onto the packets, they came up with some really ludicrous arguments including that smoking was good for you.

They claimed that smoking stopped Parkinson’s Disease something the was poohooed and totally dismissed as being a huge ploy on the part of the cigarette companies.

Now comes the weird part. Over 5 dozen studies since the 70s have indeed shown that tobacco smoking does in fact lower the chances of Parkinson’s Disease quite dramatically.

But don’t go thinking that I’m about to take up and start waving the flag for cigarettes – not at all. We all know that smoking is linked to lung disease and emphysema in fact 80 – 90% of lung cancers in the USA are caused by smoking.

Not only that, but there is a right toxic mix in the cigarette with over 7,000 chemicals are added to the tobacco!!!!

So the researchers decided to find out why and it seems that it is the actual nicotine in the tobacco plant that is the beneficial part. Tobacco comes from the Nightshade plant family and so does Bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes.

Wouldn’t it be much nicer to introduce peppers into your diet – having them a bit more often? Let’s face it, you can’t go past a gorgeous red Bell pepper filled with a plant protein like lentils or quinoa and baked. Then pour over a nice tomato sauce add some gorgeous fresh dark greens like kale and spinach and you’ve got a bang up nutritious meal.

Honestly, I learn something new every day!






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About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World Over Coffee is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



Don't be shy, please contact me if you have any questions or what you'd like me to write about.

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