Category: Health

Lots Of “New”

Lots Of “New”

Welcome, dear Reader, to another instalment of “Where’s Fee” … no, I’m not putting “Wally”.


As I mentioned in the previous post – A Change of Scenery – I’m in Devonport Road.  What I failed to give you in that post was a couple of images of the beautiful outlook I now have.

It’s different to where my usual digs are, as it’s on the other side of the causeway so I now get the opposite view.

As the weather improves, I will try and take more photos. Not that I’m the best photographer in the world, got friends who are waaaaaayyyyy better than me.

If you’re wondering why I have put the featured image as being a simple Smoothie, well, let me tell you, folks, this is such a big step for me. Yes, I’ve had an odd smoothie in my day, but, to be honest, never really got into them.


I went to stay with my friend, Caitlin – have mentioned that in the Change of Scenery post – well my friend, Caitlin, is an amazing woman. She has her own website, written a book and has a Sacred Soul Healing group that I’m finding really helpful. I’m not too much into the Woo Woo, but this shit is good. Anyhoo, this amazing lady also knows a thing or two about health.

She makes her own kombucha, look it up if you don’t know what it is, always jars of stuff on her bench fermenting away… even makes her own ointment. So when she made me this smoothie full of healthy goodness, I was hooked.

Bought me some Nettle and steeped my own tea …. used that as the liquid part. Not something I’d recommend drinking on its own tastes like grass clippings, but in the smoothie with the banana, mixed berries and pineapple it was yum. In this brew, I forgot to put in the turmeric but will next time.

So the healthy me has also started to meditate each morning, which I have to admit seems to be keeping me calm….er.

One never knows, one could actually get attached to this lifestyle.

Ending with one more “view”

devonport road






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Really?  Bacon is Good For You?

Really? Bacon is Good For You?

Now I’m probably going to upset a few people … I know many of my friends love bacon.  But there’s a difference between saying you like eating bacon to saying that it’s healthy.

So here’s the deal:

I came across a post the other day which declared that bacon was good for you, in fact it said it was a “Miracle” Food


8 Reasons were given.  

With the World Health Organisation coming out last year saying that processed meats rank alongside smoking as a cancer cause, I thought this wee article on the bacon interesting enough to have a read.

So what are the 8 reasons?

Well the first 5 are plainly just “clutching at straws” type of reasons:

1. Good for a hangover
2. Has a “seducing smell”
3. Fights bad breath
4. Improves the taste of everything
5. It will make you feel good.

By this time I thought, perhaps the whole article was just a send-up.  But then I read the next 3 reasons and realized that it was a genuine piece.

little piggypig to bacon

Here are the final three with my comments below each one.

6.  It helps your memory.
In this it talks about bacon being rich in choline. Well, my dear reader, maybe it is, but so are collard greens, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Swiss chard, Cauliflower and Asparagus.

7.  It’s healthy for your heart.
This one caused me to chuckle and say out loud “really? ya think?”. Their reasoning is that it has Omega-3 fatty acids, but the fact that bacon is considered a processed food and it contains so much animal fats along with preservatives, I beg to argue that it’s not a heart-healthy food at all.
Best source of Omega-3 in a plant based version is flaxseed. See my Nutritional Book for more.

8.  It’s good for your muscles.
Really what this is saying is that it has protein and protein is a muscle builder. Hahaha – protein is in so many foods that are way healthier – try nuts and seeds, tofu and tempeh, quinoa and beans and legumes. You sure don’t need bacon to become a muscle iron man or woman!!!

Aside from the fact that it is totally cruel to animals – it is NOT healthy!!! And that’s the part that annoys me, when it is advertised as being a health food. Keep eating it if you want, but at least take the time to know exactly what you are eating. If it’s a home cure then maybe it’s okay (personally wouldn’t risk it), but if it’s store bought, then reconsider.

So how many of you agree …. disagree …. Please let me know below in the comments.

Source:  8 Reasons Bacon Is Miracle Food






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Let Me Grab My SoapBox

Let Me Grab My SoapBox

Last year Dr Lance O’Sullivan, 2014 New Zealander of the year, came out saying that the Welfare Benefit should be cut from parents who do not vaccinate their children.

lance o'sullivan

Note:  I am a huge admirer of this young Doctor and the work he has done in the far North, however, I disagree with his argument on this issue as pointed out below.

Regardless whether you are for or against or in the middle on vaccinations – to me this is a violation of rights. It appals me that both the USA and Australia have laws now that make vaccination compulsory for all children, the pregnant mother and grandparents etc. I sincerely hope N.Z. will not follow suit, although it is highly likely that they will as they will be lobbied by well-meaning but misguided doctors and money-hungry drug companies.

But back to the parents on benefits. On further reading from this doctor (and others), it appears that it is mainly the children from the lower socioeconomic group who get any of the diseases far worse than those from other groups. In other words, the poor kid’s whooping cough is far worse than the rich kid’s one. (Generalization, but you get the picture).

In my opinion, it is because the poorer areas do not have the ability to provide healthy, nutritious foods that help to build the immune system.
Show me a solo mum on a benefit who is able to buy organic food? Or, for that matter, even a family who are not on benefits but are still struggling to balance the money coming in with the money that has to go out – and that’s a good majority of New Zealanders.

FastFoodWhat is cheaper – McDonald’s or a homemade burger made with organically, nutritious ingredients?

Where’s the education on sugar?
Processed foods, which appear to be cheaper, are riddled with sugar which is known (researched and documented) to feed cancer cells, promote tooth decay and damage the immune system.

Note:  there are many “rich” kids whose nutrition is also sorely lacking.

It’s not the Doctor’s fault … I realise that doctors are only doing what they believe is the right thing going by evidence presented in medical journals and told to them by drug companies. It’s documented that a lot of what is written for those journals are slanted and biased and quite often not even written by the name that is assigned to the article.

Doctors do not receive any, well, maybe a few hours if they’re lucky, tuition on nutrition at any of the medical schools. They receive far more teaching on drugs, hence the reason they poo-hoo any ideas that food and natural remedies may be far better medicine than any of the chemicals drug companies bring out.

Andrew-Carnegie-John-D-RockefellerGo back in history to who really started the monopoly of the drug companies – Carnegie and Rockefeller … Rockefeller in particular. See, he made heaps of money with oil but then started looking for ways to use it. He came up with the idea of using coal tar (a petroleum derivative) and made drugs which affect the human mind, body and nervous system. Hey, an excellent way of masking or stopping symptoms, but not a cure.

To keep this history lesson short – Carnegie (and other industrial giants) came up with a plan and between them, they managed to get all the natural practitioners ousted (e.g. herbalists, homoeopaths etc) and “standardise” the teaching and clinics for their own gains. Rockefeller wanted to control the whole medical field, using the only remedies allowed, patented synthetic drugs. And he got it.

It’s a fascinating history and worth reading about because it gives a much clearer understanding of how Big Pharma has so much power and has influenced the way we have been brainwashed into this style of medicine.

vegetables-317497_960_720I believe that modern doctors should not be taking the Hippocratic oath at all …. it’s hypocritical. They DO NOT follow the teachings of Hippocrates whose famous quote is:

“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

and one more to end on….

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”

Whether one agrees with vaccinations is not the issue here. It is using threatening and bullying tactics that I don’t believe in and certainly hope it never comes to that here in N.Z.






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So That’s Enough Exercise For Me!

So That’s Enough Exercise For Me!

Thursday morning, decision made …. I would walk to work.


Stop laughing!  I know I’m one of those people whose exercise means a good brisk sit. But it is more about saving gas! No sweat! (although those

words would come back to haunt me). I have been threatening to do this since I moved into my digs, hell, it’s only down the hill.  Well, a little further than that.

So, banking on it being about 20 minutes, I left the house at precisely 8.34 a.m. Yes, I’m one of those people who don’t start work till 9, don’t know how I’d cope if I had to start earlier.  n fact it was 25 minutes and that was walking relatively briskly … not enough to get a sweat up, but certainly not a dawdle.

The ‘to work’ was actually really nice. You see the weather wasn’t too warm. In saying that, who expects it to be hot at that time of the day, this is N.Z. not Aussie. Tide was in, so the scenery was one where you bless the fact that you’re alive. Plus the fact the the first part was downhill.

20160211_171523The fun part came on the return trip. By now it was hotter – 5 p.m. or, more precisely 4 p.m. if you wipe daylight saving out of the equation. It was pleasant enough going across the bridge even though the tide was now out and the sun still had some power in it. Then came the hill. The up-side (note the pun), was the fact that part of it was in shade. Even so, the sweat was starting, just from the heat not the exercise.

Then all at once I got a whiff of a lovely smell that shot me right back to my childhood.  Palm Sunday – Google it if you’re not Catholic and don’t know – waiting in line at the Sunday mass to be issued with a palm frond which, in fact, had been picked from this type of bush…see photo below…and given out to each one of the devoted flock.

I loved the smell of that palm and every year, when I was a kid, it meant the same thing = it was only a week away before I’d be able to eat lollies again – Easter! Not only that, but I still had Good Friday to look forward to …. the one day of the year I could eat my fill of hot cross buns, plus going to our beach house for 10 days holiday!!!! Yes, we got time off school ‘cause it was holiday time for dad. I loved Palm Sunday.


So back to the 11th February 2016 and that smell. And if anyone can tell me the name of this plant in the comments below, I’ll be really grateful. The funny thing about this is that it’s not even a palm – doesn’t resemble anything like the palm fronds in the pictures that supposedly the crowd waved at Jesus, but, hey, it didn’t matter, I just loved the smell.

Because of that whammy back to my childhood, the rest of the hill climb was pretty darn easy. Although by the time I did get home I was pretty hot and went straight into the bathroom to throw some cold water over myself.  Next job was to pour a glass of wine, wander over to the neighbour’s place and lounge out on their deck where my flatmate already was.


Next morning, however, I have to admit to feeling the burn in the gluteal muscles (google it if it’s not obvious where that is), and did hesitate on doing the walk again. But, as the old saying goes, “no pain no gain” I decided once again to don the walking shoes and head off. Wow – it was a hot walk. The temperature had risen quite considerably since the morning before and I was a little slower and ever so pleased with the bits of shade I did come across.

This time, however, I tried something different and that was to put the head-phones on and listened to a motivational recording. Was pretty good except when I’d get blocked out by a loud truck or bus going passed. At lunchtime, I downloaded an app for audio books which, hopefully, will keep the walk entertaining.

It being Friday the beers came out and, because I was walking and not driving, I ordered a wine!!!! Wheee, the guys wondered what had struck and when I said that I was walking home, one of the guys said wow, that’s a long walk to Katikati – cute, he didn’t know I’d shifted. Mind you, I did question the sensibility of drinking wine prior to a walk in the heat….up a hill. But, what the hell – for those of you who know me, you’ll know that I’ll try anything once.

Oh but how the gods look kindly on me. The boss’s wife turned up to have a Friday wine with us and she, and the guys, all thought it would be a much better idea for me to get a ride home. It was “no problem” she said, she lives “close by”  she said, even “know your street” she said. So, what is a girl to do? The sensible thing – have another wine and get a ride home.

I have two more days – Monday and Tuesday that I can walk again. It will depend on the weather of course…don’t do rain, so here’s hoping it’s fine (or not too hot). Wednesday I’m off to house-sit. This means I’ll go back to parking a wee distance away to get some walking in.






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Calcium Rich – Health Poor?

Calcium Rich – Health Poor?

It’s taken a couple of years but I finally got around to registering with a Doctor. The reason I’ve changed is because I shifted towns and now live too far away from the previous medical center that I used to go to.

So I picked a center close by and made an appointment to go in to interview the new Doctor. Silly me, I had a wild hope that this guy would be somewhat knowledgeable with the vegan lifestyle.

It wasn’t that he opposed my food choice, but he did admit to not knowing a lot about nutrition. He asked the usual questions about where I get specific vitamins (at least he didn’t ask about protein), then went on to say that the chances were that I’d be lacking in calcium …. the much needed mineral for bones.

He supplied me with a list of all the calcium rich foods which, naturally, had dairy products right at the top.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to argue the point that if dairy was the best source then how come the rate of osteoporosis has increased in the Western world?

Studies have found that “Osteoporosis is, in fact, a disease caused by a number of things, the most important of which is excess dietary animal protein”. Now I’m not a scientist, I’m not a trained nutritionist but I do have the power of deduction and when I learn that people who live in countries that have no or very little animal products yet have no sign of osteoporosis and are able to live healthier lives than we do, my logical brain does have to wonder why.

1964 – 2013
The meat and dairy industry have hoodwinked us for generations into believing that we must consume animal products in order to be healthy.  If you take a look at food pyramids put out by “respected” sources like the Heart Foundation  you’ll see that, yes, they put vegetables at the top of the list, but they also have animal products including dairy designated to quarter of the plate.
I’m not against dairy, but in this day and age the dairy that is supplied to us is no longer true (unless you buy raw milk), as it is messed about with so much at the treatment plant that it is nothing like the milk that comes directly from the cow.  It’s for this reason, (along with animal welfare and environment), that I have chosen to no longer consume dairy.

So the next time I see this Doctor I just might bring up the topic of dairy, calcium and osteoporosis.

Oh, and his comment about not knowing much about nutrition?  Very common in Doctors – I wonder why they still take the Hippocratic Oath as Hippocrates says: “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
UPDATE:  Have had the results back from the blood tests that the doctor wanted me to have … you know, “just like to check that you’re not lacking in certain areas”. Well, what’d know – all perfect, in fact, more than perfect!  Iron higher than a healthy meat eater …. calcium high – duh, of course it is.  hahaha – love it!






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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