Category: Rants

What Do You Put Your Energy Into?

What Do You Put Your Energy Into?

I know I say that I am “vegan”, but in actual fact, I’m more vegetarian than a vegan.

vegetarian food

But if I say that then the assumption is that I eat dairy and eggs. By definition, a vegetarian only eats plant foods, no animal products at all. Think about it – the word itself should give you a clue – vege-tarian …. vege as in vegetables – I don’t see “dairy” or “egg” anywhere in that word at all.

The problem is that the food industry has cosied up to the corporations and have indoctrinated the public into believing that a vegetarian is someone who eats plant foods, dairy products and eggs, hence the animal food industry still is able to make money from this ever-growing portion of the public.

Even the medical fraternity is on board with this, by declaring that one must have dairy in order to get the right supply of calcium – Doctors, who have never had a decent lesson in nutrition at all.

The word “vegan” is taken from the first three and last two letters of the word vegetarian. Being vegan is a lifestyle. One that is totally devoid of animal products. For example not wearing leather.

So even though I say I am vegan, my reason for eating a plant-based diet is first and foremost, the environment. Yes, I abhor animal exploitation in any form and I do choose products I know to have no animal content nor have they been tested on animals.

But, because my number one reason is the environment, I do recycle. Which means I do visit op-shops (thrift stores for my American friends), and I do purchase leather items. The reason is that leather is one of the hardest things to break down, and then, when it does, it is so full of chemicals that it contaminates the ground.

This is where I come into odds with Vegans. Vegans don’t wear leather at all as their argument is, (and I have to concede they have a point), it doesn’t matter if you have recycled it, wearing it still says to the world that you condone the use of leather.

EnvironmentWhat a quandary. But in a round-about way, this brings me to the title of this post. If you try and take on too much … it just messes with your head! Well, it does with mine. So out of all the BIG issues – environment, animal welfare, poverty, world hunger, world peace etc etc etc
I have chosen the Environment. My reason? Simple logic – if we don’t have an environment, we don’t have anything else.

I’ve just spent 5 weeks in the home at Papamoa and in that time I only needed to put the rubbish out once which was on the last day…and even then the bag was not full. The home I was in had a compost (in fact had both normal and worm farm types), had the recycle buckets for glass, plastic, paper and cans and the rest went into the council bag to be put out on the curb.

I’m also very realistic. I am fully aware that here in N.Z. our recycling efforts (paper, plastic, glass etc), are just a token gesture, most of the stuff goes to landfill or gets shipped offshore. We actually have a poor record of encouraging the recycling industry. But that is something I really don’t have control over. What I do have control of is what I can personally do for the environment.


  • I re-use plastic bags (like bread bags) as often as I can … these odd plastic bags come with me to the supermarket and I put the fruit/veggies into them rather than get a new one.
  • The bags for nuts I’ve recycled so many times it’s hard to find the space to write the number on as there are so many numbers now crossed out.
  • Naturally, I have the canvas/jute reusable bags. Lucky for me I bought several of them in America, they’re big and sturdy and go through the wash like a pro.
  • I compost where I can, use a garbage disposal unit (the one in a sink) or boil up my peelings which I freeze to use as stock/soup.

I don’t like to label myself an Environmentalist, nor a “Greenie” – I think those titles are reserved for the more wealthy who are able to go the whole hog, and the only reason I say I’m a vegan is so my food choice is understood in this warped society. I just live the best way I know how and try to “do my bit” for the environment that I am currently living in.

What do you put your energy into?

2021 Update

I now classify myself as vegan, although the environment is uppermost. My health has put me on a whole food plant-based way of eating. I do some activism with Anonymous for the Voiceless group. You can find more information about all things Vegan and Plant-based at my resource website: Gold Card Vegan






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A Snapshot Look At Me?

A Snapshot Look At Me?

Here’s a repertoire of what makes me frown or smile:

What gets me pissed off:environment

  • The incredible abuse we do to the environment – well that’s just ongoing.
  • The blatant sidestepping of the government so issues don’t have to be addressed.
  • The fact that something else comes along to take the short attention span of the media and the public away from something else.
  • The TPP – which currently seems to lie dormant in the minds of the majority due to the fact we’ve got the Panama Papers to keep us busy … my view? The stopping of the TPP is more important.

What saddens me:syrian refugee crises

  • The terror, the hatred, the pain that innocent people around this world face because of the incessant greed both for wealth and power of a few.
  • The destruction our species has done and continues to do to this stunningly beautiful and kind planet.


What makes me proud:no GMO

  • My children as they are all exceptional adults who care about others, never judge and care about animals and the environment
  • The work that is done by people for the underdogs of this world – both human and non-human.
  • Those who actually give a damn about the world.
  • My friends/family who succeed on their chosen path – more so if I’ve lent a helping hand.

What makes me laugh:cat meme

  • The calamity that is happening to the Republican party now that it seems like The Don is all they’ve got.
  • The jostling and the playing of games our politicians do – pretty much regardless of which party they’re from.
  • Most of the Gifs and Memes on FaceBook – now they’re clever
  • Cats
  • And pretty much anything – I seem to find amusement in the oddest places and the smallest thing = I just love to laugh.
Auckland Airport
And if you don’t know where this is – it’s the check in area for AirNZ Auckland Airport where I’d like to be right now

What I love:

  • Having a coffee with a friend or friends/family – and it doesn’t necessarily have to be coffee!
  • Muck around on the internet or my computer.
  • Making graphics (see all images on this blog) – one day I’ll get into Gifs!
  • Airports – means I’m either going somewhere or coming home!
  • So let’s put travel in this category.


Obviously, there’s lots more, but that will give you a bit of a look into my world…. perhaps I’ve had one glass of wine too many!







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Broken Glass – A WTF Moment

Broken Glass – A WTF Moment

Heard a snippet on the news the other day that there’s a bit of a problem with shoddy glass coming into this country.


Like this is major glass we’re talking about used for double glazing, around pools and balustrades on decks etc.

It appears that the processed and toughened glass coming in from overseas doesn’t come up to our safety standards. Some of the safety stickers are bogus and it’s not until the glass breaks that you get to know that it’s one of the imported shoddy ones.

Well, I sure wouldn’t want to be leaning on the balcony balustrade on the 9th floor hotel suite in downtown Wellington, (note I wrote Wellington not Auckland), when it broke, thank you very much.balustrades_facefix

We’ve got glass companies here – we have rigorous testing of our toughened glass and all have to meet our safety standards. These companies are suffering because of the imports. So why do we have to import? Hang on … wait a mo … here it comes … my catch phrase –
it’s all about the money.

Oh – and I’ve since discovered this, I’ve found out it is not a new problem!

On a brighter note – the day is treating me well.

Source: Radio NZ

Images source: Viridian Glass NZ Quality & Safe






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Well Done Bayfair.

Well Done Bayfair.

I trotted out for a cafe styled coffee yesterday – just because I could!

flat white coffee

Nah, actually had to post some letters, you know those handwritten things you put into envelopes, address, stamp and seal. Thank goodness you no longer use the tongue to stick down the stamp or get a paper cut while licking the flap. Anyhoo, the nearest post box was at the Bayfair Mall. Do you believe that? Postboxes now are sooooo far away – in fact where I work there is no post box within walking distance, none at the Frazer Cove shopping centre, one has to actually go to the Post Office which would be around a couple of kilometers (or about a mile & half) away.

But I’m rambling. I guess you’re still wondering why on earth I’d say “Well Done” to Bayfair when I loathe shopping malls. And, I guess you probably can’t quite make out exactly what the featured image above is all about.

cd_572ae15314189Going into the car parking building and heading towards the entrance I noticed an area had been taken over by, what I hoped, wasn’t a payment station. On closer inspection, I saw that Bayfair has taken the energy to power into the future by installing an electric car charging station. (chat to yourself about how good that sentence was). Talk about embracing a sustainable future – will we see solar panels on the rooftops – perhaps rooftop veggie/herb gardens for all to share? But I mustn’t be flippant – whoever is the Manager there, I applaud his initiative especially as this is Tauranga and not one of the major cities.

Speaking of parking buildings I called into my favourite parking building, cd_572ae2b31b697(Council owned), in the middle of town … one where if you’re under 1/2 an hour is free and one where there are real people taking your money at the toll both – this meant that occasionally if I was flush, I’d pay a couple of dollars for the person behind. That’s called paying it forward even though it is really paying it behind – oh, go on, have a chuckle. To my surprise when I got there a woman came over to tell me to “take your ticket with you” – “why” I asked, “Because you will pay at the entrance when you come back”.

And when I came back, I saw the kiosk with another woman standing there ‘helping’ and ‘teaching’ people how to use it. So I had to say something, didn’t I!  “So sad to see this, a bit of a backward step on the part of the Council,” I said, “I really liked talking to the people taking the money”. The lady’s response was to agree. She also thought it sucked, (her word). But what hurt the most was when I asked – “did the booth people get other jobs or were they made redundant?” – “Made redundant” was the response and then she topped it off by saying “and I’ve only got another week, then that’s me gone too”.

Ahhh, progress, sometimes progress is not for the good of the people ….  no, wait, let me dig out my catchphrase – it’s all about the money



To leave you on a brighter note – I did see a couple of pirates at Bayfair.






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Came across this yesterday Report Warns More Needs To Be Done To Address Climate Change   so here’s my take on it.

cd_5721ad052c8f5N.Z. will never step up and face the fact that we have a major problem with our emissions. Not only into the air but into the ground as well – a stunning example is a toxic lake in Canterbury that has already killed about 30 sheep and now it has been declared as unsafe for humans – “dangerous” was the word used. A couple of teaspoons could easily kill a small child.

Now, smack me around the head with a rotten leek if I’m wrong in saying that the cause of this algae bloom (which is not a new thing) is too much nitrogen and phosphorus – and where does that originate from? My thinking is – agriculture – and, because our agriculture has intensified over the past few years, so has the algae bloom (in more areas than just Canterbury).

Unfortunately, Canterbury is in a state of drought which has exacerbated the problem. And, blow me down, they are getting rid of water via Big Business who bottle it up and ship it off overseas.

But, getting back to climate change and this government’s approach. (you’ll get used to the fact that I digress a lot – but, hey, I always get back onto topic). And that approach is, that we don’t really have to actually DO anything, just buy carbon credits …. and dodgy ones at that! Wow, we really do have a “she’ll be right” attitude.

When Paula Bennet (our cd_5721ae8a30ca3Climate Change Minister) was asked whether the government would cancel any of the 122.2 million tonnes of these dodgy credits, she said “not ruling it out, but it’s not my focus right now”  –  translation:  “Nope not going to do a thing, and we’ll find something else to get you excited about – like the Olympics – and then it will be forgotten”

And just to finish off … Our government, who prattles on about our cd_5721af8d17614sustainable energy, has allowed Genesis Energy to extend the date of the closure of the two fossil fuel plants at Huntly, which were supposed to have been shut down in 2018 – guess what? they are now going to be staying open until 2022 – so much for making New Zealand electricity greener!

government shit
Note the clean shovel – no-one wants to start shovelling.

Oh, well, in the quagmire of politics one has to wade through the shit to find the gems…

Unfortunately for N.Z., there are no gems with this Government – only shit and we really are bogged down. Mind you, I seriously question the alternative parties and their abilities with shovels.







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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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