2021 and I think it’s time I updated this website – so I’ve given it a brand new look.
For the past year I have been focusing on my vegan resource website and the blog posts I was writing for it, I copied onto here. But I really missed the ‘old me’ the way I used to write with all the silliness, the rants and the raves and, hopefully, the entertainment.
Now the other website
So what do you think about the title?
Is Nicotine Good For You?
Bet you never thought the Healthy Vegan would come out with something like that did you? Well, sit tight, I’m about to tell you all about what I’ve just discovered.
Back in the 60’s when the tobacco companies were trying to stop the Surgeon General’s
Last week the Minister for the Environment put forward the Clean Water Plans for New Zealand.
What a joke that was!
The plan is to have 90% of rivers and lakes swimmable by 2040. That’s gone up by 10 years. From my understanding it was going to be cleaning them up by 2030, but now, again, the goal posts have been shifted.
Well, Massey University freshwater ecologist Dr Mike Joy
The dairy industry never ceases to amaze me how they come up with ideas to get more people drinking milk
This is one such example
I was in the supermarket yesterday and was checking out the cow milk section, (well I was actually looking to see if they stocked fresh almond milk yet… which, no, they don’t). I thought I’d have a look at all the different cow milk on offer and then I spied