The Burbs

The Burbs

My time with Ginge is about 1/2 way through, so thought I’d give you the low-down on how he’s been.

More to the point – what I’ve been up to aside from when I’m at work.

Like Millie before him (About Millie), Ginge took a liking to my suitcase.  A-ha! learned from the last cat, suitcase lid is down. Didn’t read more

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I Have Returned!

I Have Returned!

The West Wind blew me back to Pyes Pa and Ginge.

Yes, I am trying to grab your attention with a ridiculous first sentence.  The West Wind didn’t blow me back – that was “Mary Poppins”, or was that the East Wind? Or maybe it was the East wind blew around Juliette Binoche when she played the mysterious Vianne in the movie “Chocolat”.  read more

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Colorado – Home To Legal Dope & Illegal Rain Barrels.

Colorado – Home To Legal Dope & Illegal Rain Barrels.

An odd tidbit crossed my vision the other day about how Colorado has a law that bans the use of residential rain barrels.

In other words, if you live in this particular state you are not allowed to collect rain for your own use. Try as I might, I can’t seem to find out why this law was passed in the first place.  Rain is rain and it will fall where-ever it chooses. Besides their Fifth Amendment establishes property read more

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Millie and I Say Goodbye

Millie and I Say Goodbye

The end has come. I shifted out of the Bayfair house-sit Easter Monday and took up residence again with Ginge.

More of Ginge in another post.

This one is all about Millie.

What a delightful cat and so cuddly. She had me wrapped around her cute little paw.

I guess the photo in the featured image doesn’t really need any explanation. I had my suitcase on the floor in one of the bedrooms and Millie took to read more

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Sweet, Sweet Music

Sweet, Sweet Music

Just a quick post today to say that Jazz Fest in Tauranga was great.

AND – to top it off …. weather was awesome!.

O.k., so only went on Saturday, but it was sunny. We sat in the shade, listened to great music and enjoyed the company…. what could be better? Well, if Black Spider Stomp had been there – but perhaps next year.

However, what music read more

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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



Don't be shy, please contact me if you have any questions or what you'd like me to write about.

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