My time with Ginge has come to and end. Well, for the moment.
I’m now home and back with my view. Loved being on my own, but also enjoy the company of my friend. Nice to have someone to have a wine with.
It was a great sit and Ginge was real easy to look after. We became good friends, even to the point that he’d come into my room in the morning and
Oh Pill-ease, you have got to be kidding me!
McD’s are at it again with their attempt to disguise the fact that their food is just plain and simply unhealthy. Hell, even when they try to be healthy, they mess it up.
They are now jumping on the food fad of kale. Don’t they know, kale is so last year as 2016 heralds foods from turmeric
A wee while ago there was quite some hoohar that went down when Donald Trump decided he wanted to build a golf course and resort thingy in Scotland. He promised loads of jobs and huge increase in the income of the area – the Government of the day fell for it.
In a nut shell, he talked his way
Here we go…..the first house-sit of 2016.
I’ve just begun a week at a home in Pyes Pa. Lovely new home with gorgeous ginger cat – three guesses to get his name. No? Can’t think? O.k. I’ll tell you ….. Ginge. But he’s one cool cat! Like his owners too. They were neighbours of mine back in the day when I was living at the Mount.
That’s right I had a right proud night last night.
My oldest son, Sam and his gypsy swing band played in Tauranga and it was awesome!
The band, Black Spider Stomp had a great day in my little city with very profitable busking at the Mount before setting up at Imbibe Bar and giving us a ripping great session of gypsy swing and jazz.
They had played in