I’ve decided that maybe I should be a Buddhist. Lots of people ask me if I am due to the fact that I just find it totally impossible to harm animals.
I’m the one in the family who will actually take a cockroach out into the garden, so when I saw a little field mouse walk into the house
Farming? Well, worm farming. Finally, after months of having the worm farm paraphernalia sitting around with no worms in it, I am happy to announce that a very healthy bunch of Tiger, Red and Indian blue worms have taken up residence.
The process was really pretty easy. I
New Zealand has the dubious honor of having the largest dairy exporting company in the world. Yup, little N.Z. can lay claim that dairy products are exported to more that 100 countries around the globe.
The company’s name is Fonterra and you can bet your bottom dollar
What is tragic about this is the number of residences who have suffered from toxic fumes, the contaminated water and the fact that these people will now have to battle with lawsuits. Having something like this happen within a built up area highlights the danger that pipelines,
I came across an article the other day which worried me a bit: It was titled ‘Are Reusable Shopping Bags Making Us Sick’
The article went on to say that “studies seem to link reusable grocery bags to foodborne illness” along with the increase in stolen food.