Retirement Brain

Retirement Brain

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Retirement Brain: When Every Day Feels The Same

the effect of smiles

Not that long ago, I woke up one morning with absolutely no idea what day it was. None. Zilch. I knew it was a weekday because kids were marching off to school like tiny, grumpy commuters. But beyond that? Total mystery.

This, my friends, is what happens when you cross the threshold into the so-called “retirement years.” (By the way, I despise that word—retirement sounds like you’re just waiting for someone to close the lid on you!) Life after a career isn’t about fading into oblivion; it’s about keeping the wheels turning. Learning, growing, doing stuff—that’s the real deal. But one of the unintended side effects? Time becomes a vague concept. Days blend together like a smoothie of confusion.

Usually, I always know when it’s Tuesday—because, like a responsible part-time worker, I head into an office. Plus, I live next to a preschool, which is basically an audio calendar. Monday to Friday: a symphony of tiny voices. Weekends? Silence. That’s my system. And it works… most of the time.

But my usual cues are missing when I’m house-sitting cats, especially in unfamiliar places. (Cats are terrible at reminding you what day it is, by the way. They live in their own time zone called “Feed Me Now O’Clock.”) I still work online, but my routine is out the window, and suddenly, Tuesday could be Thursday or even a rogue Monday. Who knows?

Retirement Brain

Here’s my pro tip: Keep a diary—not just for appointments but for daily adventures, big or small. Schedule fun, plan outings, and create things to look forward to—because having a reason to be present is what keeps life exciting. Otherwise, you might just wake up one day and realize you’ve been living in an endless loop of Tuesdays.

Stay curious, stay engaged, and, for the love of all things, be organised—write things down!

P.S. If you figure out what day it is, let me know.

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Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
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