Tag: ginge

It’s Over ….

It’s Over ….

My life without Ginge won’t be the same.

Well, of course it won’t – duh. But have to admit here is another cat who stole my heart. I left the burbs yesterday and returned to my digs to wait it out for 5 days before heading off into the sunset for another house-sitting stint.

So here’s what happened when I left. Of course, Ginge knew that I was going, he’d known the night before when I had started to pack up. That’s when he disappeared. Oh, he did wind me up something bad. I called and called, went outside in the dark and looked up and down the street …. nothing.

It was then I had a flashback to when my oldest was a toddler and went missing – the absolute dread of any parent.  We had the packhouse staff out looking all over the orchard. Found him – under his bed asleep!

So, Ginge wasn’t flat on the road, wasn’t around the property that I could see, he must be in the house. And it’s not the biggest house on the block, so not a lot of places to hide. Found him – behind the T.V. asleep!

The morning dawned and I began the final push towards departure time. House was clean, car was packed, check was done …. wait, better check again. All boxes ticked except for Ginge. As I came out the door I spotted him – I thought cats were discreet at where they pooped …. this is a fine example of Ginge and his attitude. I’ll let the photos tell the rest.

ginge 1
“Oh, what? Thought that’s what the neighbour’s front lawn was for, besides, I’m ‘sitting discreetly'”
“Hey, wait !!! “

he was literally meowing as he was running across the road

“the sitting isn’t working…..I’ll circle her instead?

I did eventually get into my car, taking special care as I went down
the drive looking out for him.  I finally spotted him …….

“Well, bugger off then, I’ll nick over to the neighbour’s”


And here’s the aside ….. It’s not all peachy in the burbs!







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The Burbs

The Burbs

My time with Ginge is about 1/2 way through, so thought I’d give you the low-down on how he’s been.

More to the point – what I’ve been up to aside from when I’m at work.

cd_57049c8c0f199Like Millie before him (About Millie), Ginge took a liking to my suitcase.  A-ha! learned from the last cat, suitcase lid is down. Didn’t stop Ginge though and practically every day I found him curled up on top of it.  Perhaps a psychological reflex on his part that “if I get on top, she won’t be able to use it and won’t leave me” ?????

And, if you’re wondering what the sticker on the suitcase says …. “I’m touring around spending my children’s inheritance” one of a few sassy stickers that I have on my bag.

I came home one day to find Ginge on my bed.  Now I’m not sure if he’s supposed to be there or not, but hey I wasn’t going to argue with him.

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So on the bed he stayed and when he did get off his fur stayed behind!

I will say this for him – he’s a good watchdog and growls at anything odd that comes onto the section. Quite often find him guarding the front door.  Hahaha – more like asleep at the front door.cd_57049f889e555

One last update for you.  I’ve traded in the bike for walking shoes. Didn’t use the bike very much this summer and now that I’m moving around – well, I don’t do hills anyway and as you can see by the feature photo at the top, this place is pretty hilly. Plus, it would mean leaving it outside in some places. Oh who am I kidding – it was time, o,k?
I’ll think about getting another one when I’m settled in my apartment, yup, that’s still the goal!

But, I have to be careful, oh yes, I sure do – this “walking” lark and “hula hooping” business just might make me a bit fitter. And woe betides if that happens as I would then have to concede my sedentary lifestyle to the annals of history and accept a new me.

Wait a minute – isn’t that what I’m attempting this year?  A new me?

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And my parting shot for this post?  Cooking last night and I can categorically say that the fire alarm works!!!! Oh why, oh why, did I not turn on the extractor fan???  It took me   F.O.R.E.V.E.R.   to shut the thing up.






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I Have Returned!

I Have Returned!

The West Wind blew me back to Pyes Pa and Ginge.


Yes, I am trying to grab your attention with a ridiculous first sentence.  The West Wind didn’t blow me back – that was “Mary Poppins”, or was that the East Wind? Or maybe it was the East wind blew around Juliette Binoche when she played the mysterious Vianne in the movie “Chocolat”.  Ha! See, you now think that I’m really good at remembering characters in old movies. Nah, just good at putting questions to Mr Google.

Leaving the delightful Millie at Bayfair on Easter Monday, I drove off to Pyes Pa arriving late morning. As I already knew this home, it was quite easy to unpack and get myself sorted. However, Ginge was nowhere in sight. In fact, by late afternoon I was getting slightly concerned.

Now Ginge gets fed in the garage and the door to the garage is raised ever so slightly so he can come and go as he pleases. (Cat door currently not installed). Nothing for it. I had to go into the garage, get his container of food and begin going around the house and grounds shaking said container and calling. Nothing. Zilch. Not a pecky-boo from the lad. Around this time I was getting worried. Unwanted thoughts came flooding into the old grey matter – you know the ones – the scenarios, the “what ifs” and the “bloody hells” …. do I – oh dam, what to do? I sure didn’t like the idea of losing a beloved one on my watch.

Garage stuff
Hidden in the darkness

With the thoughts crowding into my mind and still shaking the container, I headed back into the garage. The gods were watching over me….no sooner had I stepped inside the door when I heard his voice (and a meow that can only come from a large Ginger cat I might add). Sort of a “what you want?” “what you wake me for?” …..  I could hear him, but couldn’t see him. Nothing to it, kept him “talking” so I could follow his voice.

I discovered him right at the back on a shelf about 300 ml off the floor in a dark corner. It took all of my decorum not to collapse onto my knees and kiss the ground he had walked on. Of course not, that didn’t even enter my head – just a bit of literary claptrap to keep you entertained. You are entertained, aren’t you? If so, be a sport and add a comment once you’ve finished reading this …. scroll down, the comment box is down there.

Besides, comments tell me that someone is actually reading this stuff which is a real boost to my ego, and we all know that people who live alone need to have their egos boosted from time to time.

Will continue at a later date with more on Ginge.  I’m here for another couple of weeks.

…. another little scroll will get you to the comments …  just down therered_down_arrow_97






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Moved Out …. For Now

Moved Out …. For Now

My time with Ginge has come to and end.  Well, for the moment.

I’m now home and back with my view. Loved being on my own, but also enjoy the company of my friend. Nice to have someone to have a wine with.

It was a great sit and Ginge was real easy to look after. We became good friends, even to the point that he’d come into my room in the morning and make himself at home …. on my clothes!

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Bless Him!!!

He’s not a cat that jumps on your knee, but he’s loving just the same.

cd_56d397404e717The drive to work was a tad longer, but not too bad. Although coming down a hill to be faced with a queue … not exactly fun. But I always got to work on time.

At least the weather stayed fine, and I was able to hula hoop every day – up to 10 minutes without pause (pats self on back).

Home now for about three weeks before I sit again and the good news is that I’m booked up until mid September and this three weeks is the longest I’ll be here at my digs.

Of course, the highlight was not Ginge, but having my daughter, Amy, home from Sydney for about five days. The joyous news was that she and her partner climbed the Mount to welcome in the dawn and there he proposed to her …. ring and all! How romantic.

Had a wonderful day out with her on Monday and checked out the op-shops at Greerton.  Did you know there’s a piano in the street? Super fun and loved the fact that Amy sat down to play a little – that’s my girl!!!!

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I will leave you with something I saw the other day on the side of a van …. love it.







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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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