Tag: house sit

Change Of Address

Change Of Address

A nice, easy house-sit this time with slightly different “pets” to look after.

Well, fingers are crossed that it will all be smooth sailing and there’ll be no hiccups.

I’m back in the burbs. Different burbs this time. These ones are older …. wiser? …. maybe, but I doubt it. Burbs are burbs wherever located. But these ones are “tree-lined” “established” “ even now possibly some of the homes could be “great potential for renovation” – now I’m being facetious, it’s not really like that. Although some I passed on my walk last evening were questionable.

I had met the lovely couple whose house it is but I had a final meeting with them a couple of days before the move which had one incident worth telling you about.

It had been several weeks since I had been to this particular place. Now I had written down the details, you know, name, address, phone etc. Rather than totally rely on my “getting older” memory, I decided to put the address into my Google maps so I could get the right street. I had an idea of the basic layout of where to go, just not the exact location of the street except that it was some-where off a particular road.

Not looking at the map properly, I just clicked the navigate and headed off. For those who know Tauranga – my destination was Papamoa.
So over the causeway and onto the motorway – no problem. I knew I had to take the first exist.

First mistake – listening to an interview on the radio – overshot the exit. No problem, get off at the next one, up, over, down, back onto motorway and get ready to exit again. GPS lady telling me to “go straight for 2 Kms”  – mistake #2 listening to her – overshot the exit again.    Crap.

Now she told me to take a left at the end round-about … and that was when it hit me that there was something not quite right about where GPS lady was taking me.
This motorway is nothing like the ones in Florida (nod to my friend, Bobbi ), heck, not even like the motorways in Auckland, as there is pretty much no traffic which makes this is a motorway so easy that one tends to lose focus.  But it was third time lucky.

Again I was reminded that something was goofy with the GPS when I wanted to “take the first exit from the roundabout” and not the 2nd as I was being instructed to do. So, once off the ramp I pulled over to check it out.
Yup, I’d put in the right street – “Close street” but it was taking me to Papamoa Beach road. C’mon, Google, this is an old suburb – you should have maps.

papamoa beachIt was at this point I decided to pull up an actual street map, zoom in and see if I could find it. I had an idea where it was and then suddenly there it was – Peachtree Close (street name changed for obvious reasons, but the “close” is correct)!  As soon as I saw it, I recognized the name. Duh, all this time I hadn’t had the actual name recorded in my diary only the type of street!!!!
See, not used to the jargon of the burbs!

Give me an apartment above a cafe, in the village/city any day.

Which brings me to my apartment goal. Yes, I’m still on track – still not quite at the first step yet, but should be there in about three weeks – had to delve into the savings for Trev (car), but all good.






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Millie and I Say Goodbye

Millie and I Say Goodbye

The end has come. I shifted out of the Bayfair house-sit Easter Monday and took up residence again with Ginge.

More of Ginge in another post.


This one is all about Millie.

What a delightful cat and so cuddly. She had me wrapped around her cute little paw.

I guess the photo in the featured image doesn’t really need any explanation. I had my suitcase on the floor in one of the bedrooms and Millie took to sleeping in it, as cat’s do. Problem was, she also had a bit of a knack on dragging the odd piece of clothing around. Managed to retrieve all but one sock – so there’s your answer to the disappearing sock!  It’s a “Millie” that takes it!

Yes, Millie ruled the roost – called the shots – bossed me around.

When I sat at the table to work on my computer, Millie was there walking all over me, keyboard and computer.


When I watched T.V. – there was Millie, up on my knee.  In saying that, she quite often didn’t sit still and was just as likely to suddenly jump off with no warning – give me a helluva fright.


But the best one was on Sunday morning when she jumped up onto the bed, walked up my body and then gave me “The Look” – you know that look. That look that says “why are you still in bed? you should be up getting me food!”  I thwarted her and managed to get a Selfie !!! she was not too happy about that.


I must admit, it was hard to say goodbye to Millie – but, off to say Hi to Ginge.



Here’s my “aside” for this post.  On the way I dropped off some green waste at the recycling yard, just a small amount from my seed tray (grow micro-greens).  I couldn’t help taking a photo of the flower and thinking – even in shit there’s beauty if you know how to look for it.


Feel free to comment …. go-on, you know you want to 🙂






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Up To The 2nd House-Sit 2016

Up To The 2nd House-Sit 2016

This the first house-sit with the gorgeous Millie.

Likes walking over computer.

It’s for 10 days and already I’m wishing it was for longer….I arrived yesterday afternoon (Saturday).
This is the most delightful home and Millie made herself all smoochy to me pretty much from the moment I stepped inside.

The position of this abode is fairly close to where I used to live at the Mount, so only a short walk to Bayfair – (not that a Mall is inspiring at all) – easy access to the causeway to get me to work on time and I’m back at the Mount where, I must be honest now, is where my heart is.

In saying all that – each home I’ve previously sat, and those that are coming up, all have a beautiful vibe to them. This has been ascertained as I have interviewed each one rigorously.

The first thing I did, after unpacking the car, was to go over the ‘instructions’ again, (I’d already gone through them when I’d picked up the key). All good – understood everything. And, the wonderful sense of humour shone through …. here I present a snippet:

Our courtyard pot plants are Alice, Graham, Neville, Dennise, Gordon, Margaret, please don’t move them as they will get disorientated and wander around all night looking for their spot. Kept us awake all night once. They appreciate water if it is very hot – same with the back crew.

There was also a bit on Ants:

We have the largest ants in the world living under our courtyard pavers. Sometimes you will see a paver move – don’t be alarmed just give them a squirt with that spray under the fire place – seriously tho they will bite, you will understand lying naked in our courtyard is not recommended … also, think of our neighbours.

So, with a chuckle I turned the page to get the wifi password. All good, password there – opened up the wifi on my phone, put in password … didn’t work. Mmmm. Decided to do it on the computer.

There were probably about four locked networks to choose from, none had an obvious name. So with my super power of deduction I went through the list. None connected ????? Hmmmmmmm. Next thought was to look at the router and grabbed the pRouterassword on the back. Aha, take camera and take photo.

Voila! Password worked first time. I had another look at the instructions. Cute typo – missing a zero. I’m not sure if that was deliberately to test of my ingenuity or a missed tap on the keyboard – either way, I was pretty proud of the fact that there was no bad language to be heard – besides, don’t know what Millie’s sensitive ears are used to, so best curb the naughty words.

Of course it’s rained since I got here which means that I haven’t been able to get out for a walk, nor make use of the delightful courtyard and play with the ants.


Millie isn’t the only occupant of this home that’s been entrusted to me, there are several kids out in the courtyard. Oh yes, the livestock here is plentiful.
Feast your eyes on these little beauties!!!!!


Not only do I have the company of awesome creatures, but there are herbs aplenty. The owners of this establishment are not only delightful in their humour and friendliness, but generous as well …. “help yourself to the herbs”. Oh my, already on the first day I’ve whizzed up a mint and tahini dressing – lord only knows what I will do with the fresh Rosemary and then there’s the basil … I feel a pesto coming on!!!!!

Mr Basil

Miss Rosemary

Mmmm, sauce !

Yes, of course I brought my machine – as if I wouldn’t !!!!






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Moved Out …. For Now

Moved Out …. For Now

My time with Ginge has come to and end.  Well, for the moment.

I’m now home and back with my view. Loved being on my own, but also enjoy the company of my friend. Nice to have someone to have a wine with.

It was a great sit and Ginge was real easy to look after. We became good friends, even to the point that he’d come into my room in the morning and make himself at home …. on my clothes!

Untitled (1)
Bless Him!!!

He’s not a cat that jumps on your knee, but he’s loving just the same.

cd_56d397404e717The drive to work was a tad longer, but not too bad. Although coming down a hill to be faced with a queue … not exactly fun. But I always got to work on time.

At least the weather stayed fine, and I was able to hula hoop every day – up to 10 minutes without pause (pats self on back).

Home now for about three weeks before I sit again and the good news is that I’m booked up until mid September and this three weeks is the longest I’ll be here at my digs.

Of course, the highlight was not Ginge, but having my daughter, Amy, home from Sydney for about five days. The joyous news was that she and her partner climbed the Mount to welcome in the dawn and there he proposed to her …. ring and all! How romantic.

Had a wonderful day out with her on Monday and checked out the op-shops at Greerton.  Did you know there’s a piano in the street? Super fun and loved the fact that Amy sat down to play a little – that’s my girl!!!!

Untitled (2)

I will leave you with something I saw the other day on the side of a van …. love it.







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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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