Author: Fee Writes

When Inspiration Hits

When Inspiration Hits

Inspiration can come any time from anywhere, and when it hits, one really should do something with it.

Wellington is an exciting city full of wonderful things to do and see (my blog post about ‘My Wellington Experience’ is testament to that). So when an opportunity to head down there came up, I certainly wasn’t about to say no.

Even in winter, Wellington weather can be somewhat surprising. Believing I was heading into a stormy couple of days still didn’t faze me as I boarded the plane in a sun-drenched Tauranga.

No wind. That’s right. Flying into Wellington was a breeze, literally.

It was mid-afternoon, and my son was right on time to meet me. As time with him was limited to that single evening, there was only one thing I wanted to do, go to Te Papa and see the Surrealists exhibition. I have always loved this style of art with my heroes of Breton, Dali, Ernst and Cheval, so to go and see their works was an absolute must.

I was not disappointed!

There were paintings, sculptures, magazines, sketches and all manner of other creative endeavours the Dada and Surrealists came up with. Their sense of weirdness and humour is out of the box. With their use of brushes and pens, they created art in many forms.

For example. Here is something even you can do.

Take a small article from a newspaper and cut out every word. Then put all the words into a paper bag, shake gently. Now take out one word at a time and copy each word exactly as they come from the bag.

And there you have it – an original poem by you.

This is a Dadaist Poem by Tristan Tzara

dadaist poetry

But the most fun was being able to recreate the mirror in the painting “Portrait of Edward James”, which shows the back of the man’s head in the mirror… below.

Into a wee room I went, stood in front of the mirror and what I saw was exactly that – the back of my head. Freaky, to say the least, but also incredibly inventive. I’m not sure how it’s done, but there was a mirror behind me, so I’m assuming it had to be all about the angles (and I’m no mathematician).

A frame surrounded a peephole, and my son took the photo below. What a great memento of a great day.

When Inspiration Hits

Walking around this exhibition and seeing the art made me want to get pen and ink and sketch or write poetry. This is the thing with inspiration; one has to make the step to follow through immediately and so when I got back to my hotel room that night, out came the pen and ideas were transferred onto paper to be worked on at a later date.

Let’s trust that “later date” is sooner rather than… well, later

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Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

The race for space travel and the wrangling that’s going on with the big boys makes me shake my head and say, “truly?”

You probably already know that the great almighty Amazon leader, Jeff Bezos, is to fly into space at the end of July. Now that’s Amazon, the conglomerate retail company, not an indigenous leader from the Amazon rain forest.

And in a big publicity stunt, he asked his brother to join him. And I say publicity stunt because who takes cameras and records the whole thing to put out on social media?

Check it out – I mean, this thing’s been edited to give it all the warm fuzzies.  INSTAGRAM POST

There’s a great deal of activity going on surrounding this space flight. Jeff is being roasted online by people saying he should take his extremely pricey space visit and just “stay there”. Then a chap, Ric G, started up a petition and called it “Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth”. Bit harsh but funny. At the time of writing this, the signatures were up to 148,000 and climbing.

You can sign if you want: Sign Here.

Ric stated:

Billionaires should not exist…on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter, they should stay there.

Now there is a third seat in this rocket and, instead of asking his other sibling, it was auctioned off.

Disclaimer: he may have asked his sister, and she refused; I’m not privy to Bezos family talk.

The winner (whose identity still hasn’t been revealed) paid $US28 million for the privilege of flying up to the edge of space and being weightless for about 10 minutes.

Now let’s look at the overall private race. There are three billionaires vying to be the top dog with the old space travel. Jeff, Elon Musk and Richard Branson. Elon has already ferried astronauts to the ISS, put a Tesla in space and landed and reused its 1st stage rockets – so I reckon he has the leap. The next thing to watch out for is to see if Richard can get in before Jeff does.

I wonder if Jeff deliberately shaped his rocket into a phallic symbol to try and strut the macho stuff to his competitors?

Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

The race doesn’t end there. You see, NASA decided to ‘go private’ so to speak, and create a contract for the space lunar lander. Both Elon and Jeff put in their intent, and Elon won. This is a $2.9 billion contract that Musk will be paid to build the spacecraft that will land astronauts on the moon.

Oh dear, Jeff was not a happy chappy. Both he and another Alabama-based defence contractor cried foul and filed protests against NASA.

The upshot was that the Senate agreed to spend $US10billion over the next five years, which means that NASA can now award the contract to two companies – and the second one? Well, it’s not a dead cert, but Jeff’s is currently in the lead.

Senator Bernie Sanders said

It does not make a lot of sense to me that we would provide billions of dollars to a company owned by the wealthiest guy in America.

You have to admit he’s got a point.

Oh, and when Elon won the original contract, he sent out a tweet to Jeff … 🤣🤣🤣

space race


Well played, Elon.

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Lost My Phone

Lost My Phone

How much do you rely on your phone? As I live on my own, my phone is a massive connection to the outside world.

To say that I’m careful about having my phone with me when I leave a place is probably not overstating the obvious. So when I lost my phone for a few hours one morning, I realised just how much I rely on it.

The day began perfectly. I’d had a great sleep and woke refreshed. I threw on my gym gear, had a glass of lemon water and headed off to pick up my friend, Kathy, to go and do a workout.

I’d better come clean. My workout is not one of those vigorous, pumping types, getting all sweaty and puffed. Mine is done with a fraction more decorum. I’ve decided that pushing 70 is exercise enough.

But I still go and get on the treadmill, lift a weight or two and play with a ball which you can see in my post “The Gym Experience”

Having my girlfriend with me (a fellow Improver) makes the experience even better as we usually end up laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

The session ended, and off we went. Dropping off Kathy, I then headed to the market to grab an apple. I reached into my gym bag to get my phone and was horrified to find it wasn’t there.

“Take a deep breath and think about this, Fee,” I told myself.

Having looked in the car, I figured that it must be still at the gym, and I was pretty sure I knew where. After getting the apple (I wasn’t going to miss out), I headed back, parked the car, ran up the stairs and got to reception, hoping that it had already been handed in.

Nope.       Darn.

I went in and checked around all the equipment I’d used but found crickets – nothing, zilch.

The lady at reception suggested I go to my service provider and see if they could “find the phone” or, at the least, block it.

Here I’m going to plug 2 Degrees, the phone company I’ve been with since they began. A brilliant young guy bent over backwards to help me (please don’t visualise this chap literally bending over, although it’s a pleasant image).

Immediately he blocked the sim card. 

Oh, and before we go on – yes, the phone was unlocked!!!! I had to fess up to that to my embarrassment. Not that I have any nude or porno pics, but I didn’t want ones of my grandies getting out there in the world.

We then spent the next… I don’t know how long, but it seemed like ages, trying to find my phone via Google.

What is it with Google? A new thing now is to do a two-step verification, and guess how that is done? They send a code to your phone!!!!! This meant, of course, that we couldn’t get into my Google account because I DIDN’T HAVE A PHONE! 

lost my phone

The lovely guy then populated a new sim card with my phone number and put it into a sample phone. Still didn’t work.

So finally I went home. Now I have to say here that I’m am very impressed with myself for not flying off the handle, getting overwhelmed or feeling gutted. I took the view that shit happens, and one has to simply “let it go”. It is such a waste of energy to get pissed off with something that is out of your control. I thought, just do the steps and see what the outcome is. If push comes to shove, I could simply get a new phone and begin a new journey.

But I didn’t have to. When I got home, I did a Google search for “find my phone” and, voila, there on Google maps it was…. at the gym!

It looked like it was in the car park, so I enlisted Kathy to come and help look under cars – I mean, c’mon, I didn’t want to be the “some random chick on all fours in the car park”.

With no luck, I went back to reception and YAY; it had just been handed in. My phone had been found sitting on the water fountain, and that’s when I remembered. I had taken the phone out of my pocket, put it on the water-cooler and proceeded to use the scales to weigh myself (I don’t possess these). 

BOOM! Found the phone (and a bonus – lost weight).

See, just do the steps and trust in the process to a final result. 

So how much is your phone to you? Have you ever lost it? Tell me in the comments below, as I’d love to know that I’m not the only ditsy blond (well, grey).

lost my phone








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2021 G7 Ended With Empty Promises

2021 G7 Ended With Empty Promises

Do you even know what the G7 event is? And who are they?

The 2021 G7, held in Cornwall, was an abysmal failure, in my opinion. It ended with the usual empty promises and the leaders patting themselves on their backs (and each other’s backs), believing they’d done an excellent job.


My opinion doesn’t matter much when it comes to the ‘business as usual’ these turkeys offer, but subjects that should have been priorities seemed to have gotten lost in the ambiguity of underwhelming agendas.

So who and what is the G7? 


The Group of Seven is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. (Wikipedia)


They are the leaders from the seven most powerful countries… well, Western countries, because it doesn’t include China or Russia. All like-minded in their capitalistic and democratic views. Or, as I like to call it, The old boys club.

(Even the one woman is one of the boys!)


Here they are in all their glory.


  1. Jo Biden – USA
  2. Boris Johnston – UK
  3. Justin Trudeau – Canada
  4. Angela Merkle – Germany 
  5. Emmanuel Macron – France
  6. Mario Draghi – Italy
  7. Yoshihide Suga – Japan


Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel represented the European Union.


Also invited (yes, you have to be asked!) were:

  • Scott Morrison – Australia
  • Moon Jae-in – South Korea
  • Cyril Ramaphosa – South Africa
  • Narendra Modi – India who attended virtually – like none of the leaders wanted the virus to come as well!!!


The theme was, according to the propaganda,


“to reach major new agreements to help the world fight, and then build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future.”

So did they succeed in getting anything concrete done?


Greta Thunberg said on Instagram:


“The climate and ecological crisis is rapidly escalating. G7 pours fantasy amounts into fossil fuels as CO2 emissions are forecast for 2nd biggest annual rise ever. 

But, the G7 leaders really seem to be having a good time presenting their empty climate commitments and repeating old unfulfilled promises.

Of course this calls for a steak-and-lobster-BBQ-celebration while jet planes perform aerobatics in the sky above the G7 resort!”


So the short answer is, No. 


Oh, they did come up with ideas like a minimum global 15% tax (no tax havens) targeting large corporations, which should have been way higher! Supposedly enacting measures on the Covid-19 vaccines for those countries needing it and they ticked off China asking them to:


“respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong…”

as if that’s going to work!


The “boys” reaffirmed the Paris agreement and committed to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, vowing to eliminate most coal power. “MOST” coal power? Well, there’s a dangling vine they can cling onto if need be.


Nick Dearden, director of the campaign group Global Justice Now, said:

“After a weekend of diplomacy, all they have done is repeat their own inadequate climate targets and fail to meet their own inadequate targets for global vaccination.” Source


I could see absolutely no urgency from them in making any progress on fundamental issues such as refugees (war & climate), aid promises, climate crises and vaccine apartheid.


The whole weekend seems to have been an opportunity to take selfies and parade around showing themselves off and leaders of the “free world”. 


The next big meeting will be the COP26 (United Nations climate change conference) in November this year. Read about it.

Will policymakers deliver on promises made in the past? Doubt it! We haven’t seen any real urgency from them since Greta’s famous “House on Fire” speech.

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What if Rubbish Didn’t Exist

What if Rubbish Didn’t Exist

Our local city council has finally decided to get into 21st-century practices as we have now been issued with new bins to deal with our rubbish.

Can you imagine what it would be like if rubbish didn’t exist? Sadly it is a fact of life, but many countries worldwide have been dealing with their garbage in far better ways than we have here where I live.

Recycling has been a way of life for me for a long time, taking trips to the local ‘transfer station’ for my plastics, cardboard, paper, cans and glass. I even got to know the chap who appeared to be running the show. He would come to the car and assist with deposing the items into the correct containers.

For the past several years, I have had a container with drawers in my shed in which I organised the different types of rubbish. This made it so much easier for me when the trip to the transfer station happened. Surprisingly, the paper and cardboard was the one that mounted up the quickest. I do question why, as most communication is electronic these days.


Finally, we now have bins, and I will no longer need to head off to the transfer station with the car packed up with all my rubbish. A blessing, you might think, but then again, I’d got to know that guy helping me, got to know about his grandkiddies. One time he told me about his little grandson who was very ill. Thankfully, by the next visit, the boy had recovered. So now I won’t be meeting people and smiling and saying hello to fellow recyclers.

Interestingly, the largest of the bins is dedicated to plastic, paper and cans, in other words, recyclable items. The actual rubbish bin is relatively small. I do believe they are sending a message!!!

The bonus is a compost bin. Yes!!! A compost bin! I have been doing my own composting, but there’s not much need with such a small garden. So the scraps had to be divided between composting buckets and garbage bags.

self made compost bucket

No more! This is a real bonus, and I hope many people take advantage of it.

new compost bin

So even though we now have this recycling system, I’ll rejoice more when either:

  1. All plastic is recyclable (currently here only #1 and #5)
  2. We live in a world without plastic.

And naturally, I prefer the second choice!

We do have to take responsibility for our environment. It doesn’t take much to look after our little patch.

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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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