Category: Random

My Top 3 Bits of Useless Information

My Top 3 Bits of Useless Information

One of the joys of the internet is that in times of boredom, you can mindlessly scroll through and get some outstanding useless bits of information. Here are my top 3.

I’m diverting off from my usual quick reads to fill your head with a bit of ‘out of the square’ history.


   No doubt you’ve heard about the witches of Salem. Well, according to some, they supposedly conspired with the devil. The story goes that in 1692 a couple of young girls (related to a minister) began having violent fits, including uncontrollable screaming. The doctor diagnosed that the girls had been bewitched. Guess what happened next. More girls began exhibiting similar symptoms. And so began the witch hunt.

More than 200 were accused, 19 were executed by hanging, one poor chap was pressed to death, and at least a further five died in jail.

witches of salem

The sad part is that science explains the bewitching as probably caused by the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat etc.). Toxicologists say this can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms.

2    Queen Elizabeth 1 was thought to be a man. I’m on the fence about this one, but here’s what I dug up.

When the young princess was ten years old, she was sent away from London to the town of Bisley to escape the Bubonic Plague. Unfortunately, she supposedly got sick anyway and died. Apparently, Elizabeth’s nurse panicked a bit because Henry VIII was on his way to visit his daughter. No-done wanted to get on the wrong side of that dude!!!

So she came up with a plan to find a local girl who had a resemblance to Elizabeth and show her to the King.

Didn’t go quite as she thought because there were no girls. But, aha! An effeminate lad with red hair looked pretty darn close, so the switch was made.

Some historians believe this to be true mainly because of a variety of facts.

  • Elizabeth never married.
  • The letters she wrote before and after being in Bisley were vastly different.
  • She always wore wigs.
  • Only very carefully selected doctors could see her.
  • It was understood that she would never bear children.
  • Elizabeth made it clear she was not to have an autopsy after her death.
  • And finally, in the 1800s a skeleton of a young girl wearing typical upper-class clothing was found in Bisley.

Queen Elizabeth I

I am erring on the side of disbelief because I’m sure someone would have leaked the secret (they usually do). Also, according to the Queen’s laundress, Elizabeth menstruated normally.

3    I’m sure you’ve heard of the Illuminati. Yes, it was a real society of intellectual thinkers around more than two centuries ago in Germany. They supposedly orchestrated the French Revolution along with other uprisings.

It was founded in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. He was a professor who had a bit of a falling out with the Jesuit priests who held power in those days. Weishaupt was all about promoting enlightenment as well as moral progress. However, by 1785 the Illuminati were then really over stepping the line and so were outlawed and dissolved by Prince Karl Theodor. Sure, it could have continued underground, but there is no real evidence of this, which brings me to the modern version. So many people are accused of being part of the Illuminati. From the Pope to the Queen and Presidents to those running Silicon Valley. In other words, if you’re wealthy and powerful, you must be part of this secret society. But is that right?

Well, in 1965, a group of people founded the Discordian movement. A couple of schoolmates Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley, self-printed a book called Principia Discordia. It promoted the theory that chaos is as necessary as order. Thus Discordianism became popular through the 60s and 70s with the two guys actively trying to cause mischief. Enter the American writer Robert Wilson and his mate Robert Shea. These two decided to write a novel, throw all the great conspiracy theories into the plot, and call it Illuminatus. They had so much fun with this they turned it into a trilogy.


Wilson and Shea used this prank to spread chaos and misinformation about the Illuminati through writing letters to the mainstream press and the letters section of popular magazines. They also wrote letters from imaginary readers, either believing or not believing that the Illuminati existed.

Even though the trilogy conspiracy theories are imaginary, they are blended with enough truth to make them seem plausible.

This is a book on my must-read list; I just haven’t found one yet.

And as an aside.

The book was made into a marathon 8-hour stage play in Liverpool, launching the careers of Bill Nighy and Jim Broadbent.

The original idea of the Discordian movement was about creating chaos to begin dialogue and discovery. Therefore, it’s not down to a shadowy elite whether you choose to believe in the Illuminati conspiracy theory (or any theories) or not; it’s up to you.

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Ben & Jerry’s to Stop Selling Ice Cream!

Ben & Jerry’s to Stop Selling Ice Cream!

I didn’t mean to get you all upset with the title of this post telling you that Ben & Jerry’s are going to stop selling ice cream – that would be disastrous. But they are going to in a selected area.

The arm of the law has got its fingers everywhere. When a government is suing a company because it chooses not to sell its products in a specific place – isn’t this a little 2-faced from the said government?

Here’s what’s happened.

Do you know the ice cream Ben & Jerry’s? Darn good!!!

ben & jerrys

Now, B&J’s is owned by Unilever (since 2000); however, the decision to remove the ice cream from certain places was made by Ben and Jerry and the independent board of directors, which was set up to (among other things) protect and defend B&J’s brand equity and integrity.

The furore came when B&J announced that it planned to stop selling ice cream in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem. Wow – that got the heckles up, and the Israeli government quickly got into action, launching a legal attack.

Israeli PM Naftali Bennet said the move was “morally wrong” and would prove to be “financially wrong”. And the Foreign Minister Yair Lapid called the move a

“disgraceful capitulation to anti-Semitism and the BDS movement”.

Ah, then here comes the long arm of Israel.

Israel’s ambassador to the US asked 35 US governors to enforce state laws that make it a crime to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement (The BDS movement calls for a complete boycott of Israel over its treatment of the Palestinians.).

Meanwhile, Republican senator James Langford of Oklahoma, called on his state to block the sale of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, claiming the company’s new policy violates Oklahoma’s anti-BDS law.

Some grocery chains in Israel have pulled the ice cream off their shelves or are putting them to the bottom of the freezer. (I’d still find it!!!). They seem to think that boycotting is a waste of time.

Avi Kaner, Co-owner of Morton Williams Supermarkets, said:

“Even the most liberal-minded person who believes in a two-state solution knows that ultimately there will be territorial exchanges and swaps. It is not up to Ben & Jerry’s to dictate what the borders should be.”

So it’s okay for a government to boycott, bomb, be heavy-handed with apartheid type laws and dish out the racial injustices? But when a company chooses not to sell its products in certain areas, god forbid that this is seen as morally wrong!

Ben & Jerry’s have said that continuing to sell ice cream in the settlement would be “inconsistent with our values” they also said the decision reflected the concerns of “fans and trusted partners”.

Who are Ben and Jerry? Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield are both Jews who have a track record of campaigning on social issues such as LGBTQ rights and climate change and now the blatant apartheid in Israel.

Ben & Jerry’s to Stop Selling Ice Cream!

I applaud any company that stands up for its ethics even in the face of financial loss and government harassment.








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The Best Three Words

The Best Three Words

There are times in life when these three little words are the powerhouse to helping you accomplish something you may think out of your range.

Confidence seems to be gained the more experienced you become at whatever it is you’re doing. This can apply to anything, from cooking your first meal for the family to leading a global APEC leaders meeting (I am referring to the recent zoom call our prime minister had called and chaired)

Whatever the reason for added confidence, it’s an idea to have these three little words in your toolbox to pull out at the appropriate time.

My last blog post was about being inspired when I went to Wellington recently. What I didn’t say was the reason I was in the capital city. It was for a conference which happened to be held on the week after I accepted a brand new job.

That’s right! I am a believer that you definitely can teach an old dog new tricks. In saying that, I’ve now been on the job for about three weeks. The training has finished, and I am now out in the field on my own. To say it’s a bit scary is not putting too fine a point on it.

Let me fill you in. My new career is with a company called CBG Research. And my job is to rock up to previously selected houses on behalf of the Ministry of Health, choose one member of the home and conduct an interview.

It’s the door knocking that, for me, is the intimidating part. Even though the household should have received an invitation to participate, you can guarantee that about 99% of people haven’t seen it let alone read it. But, that printed ‘invitation’ is a bit of a security blanket for me.

After my field coach left and I was on my own, the reality of what I’d committed to hit. BUT the job is something I want to do. 

Not only does it get me out of the house, but it also gets me into the community and meeting people I would never otherwise have come in contact with. So, as I pick up my laptop from the car seat and open the car door, I say the magic three words.

The Best Three Words

That’s right. Simple isn’t it? “You’ve got this!”

How this works, I have absolutely no idea. But what it does is calm me down and remind me that the right words will come as I smile and say, “Hello, my name is Fee, and I’m here……….”

The next time you have something to do that you’re unsure about, say these three words and feel the magic.

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When Inspiration Hits

When Inspiration Hits

Inspiration can come any time from anywhere, and when it hits, one really should do something with it.

Wellington is an exciting city full of wonderful things to do and see (my blog post about ‘My Wellington Experience’ is testament to that). So when an opportunity to head down there came up, I certainly wasn’t about to say no.

Even in winter, Wellington weather can be somewhat surprising. Believing I was heading into a stormy couple of days still didn’t faze me as I boarded the plane in a sun-drenched Tauranga.

No wind. That’s right. Flying into Wellington was a breeze, literally.

It was mid-afternoon, and my son was right on time to meet me. As time with him was limited to that single evening, there was only one thing I wanted to do, go to Te Papa and see the Surrealists exhibition. I have always loved this style of art with my heroes of Breton, Dali, Ernst and Cheval, so to go and see their works was an absolute must.

I was not disappointed!

There were paintings, sculptures, magazines, sketches and all manner of other creative endeavours the Dada and Surrealists came up with. Their sense of weirdness and humour is out of the box. With their use of brushes and pens, they created art in many forms.

For example. Here is something even you can do.

Take a small article from a newspaper and cut out every word. Then put all the words into a paper bag, shake gently. Now take out one word at a time and copy each word exactly as they come from the bag.

And there you have it – an original poem by you.

This is a Dadaist Poem by Tristan Tzara

dadaist poetry

But the most fun was being able to recreate the mirror in the painting “Portrait of Edward James”, which shows the back of the man’s head in the mirror… below.

Into a wee room I went, stood in front of the mirror and what I saw was exactly that – the back of my head. Freaky, to say the least, but also incredibly inventive. I’m not sure how it’s done, but there was a mirror behind me, so I’m assuming it had to be all about the angles (and I’m no mathematician).

A frame surrounded a peephole, and my son took the photo below. What a great memento of a great day.

When Inspiration Hits

Walking around this exhibition and seeing the art made me want to get pen and ink and sketch or write poetry. This is the thing with inspiration; one has to make the step to follow through immediately and so when I got back to my hotel room that night, out came the pen and ideas were transferred onto paper to be worked on at a later date.

Let’s trust that “later date” is sooner rather than… well, later

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Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

The race for space travel and the wrangling that’s going on with the big boys makes me shake my head and say, “truly?”

You probably already know that the great almighty Amazon leader, Jeff Bezos, is to fly into space at the end of July. Now that’s Amazon, the conglomerate retail company, not an indigenous leader from the Amazon rain forest.

And in a big publicity stunt, he asked his brother to join him. And I say publicity stunt because who takes cameras and records the whole thing to put out on social media?

Check it out – I mean, this thing’s been edited to give it all the warm fuzzies.  INSTAGRAM POST

There’s a great deal of activity going on surrounding this space flight. Jeff is being roasted online by people saying he should take his extremely pricey space visit and just “stay there”. Then a chap, Ric G, started up a petition and called it “Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth”. Bit harsh but funny. At the time of writing this, the signatures were up to 148,000 and climbing.

You can sign if you want: Sign Here.

Ric stated:

Billionaires should not exist…on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter, they should stay there.

Now there is a third seat in this rocket and, instead of asking his other sibling, it was auctioned off.

Disclaimer: he may have asked his sister, and she refused; I’m not privy to Bezos family talk.

The winner (whose identity still hasn’t been revealed) paid $US28 million for the privilege of flying up to the edge of space and being weightless for about 10 minutes.

Now let’s look at the overall private race. There are three billionaires vying to be the top dog with the old space travel. Jeff, Elon Musk and Richard Branson. Elon has already ferried astronauts to the ISS, put a Tesla in space and landed and reused its 1st stage rockets – so I reckon he has the leap. The next thing to watch out for is to see if Richard can get in before Jeff does.

I wonder if Jeff deliberately shaped his rocket into a phallic symbol to try and strut the macho stuff to his competitors?

Jeff Bezos to Fly Into Space

The race doesn’t end there. You see, NASA decided to ‘go private’ so to speak, and create a contract for the space lunar lander. Both Elon and Jeff put in their intent, and Elon won. This is a $2.9 billion contract that Musk will be paid to build the spacecraft that will land astronauts on the moon.

Oh dear, Jeff was not a happy chappy. Both he and another Alabama-based defence contractor cried foul and filed protests against NASA.

The upshot was that the Senate agreed to spend $US10billion over the next five years, which means that NASA can now award the contract to two companies – and the second one? Well, it’s not a dead cert, but Jeff’s is currently in the lead.

Senator Bernie Sanders said

It does not make a lot of sense to me that we would provide billions of dollars to a company owned by the wealthiest guy in America.

You have to admit he’s got a point.

Oh, and when Elon won the original contract, he sent out a tweet to Jeff … 🤣🤣🤣

space race


Well played, Elon.

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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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