Our local city council has finally decided to get into 21st-century practices as we have now been issued with new bins to deal with our rubbish.
Can you imagine what it would be like if rubbish didn’t exist? Sadly it is a fact of life, but many countries worldwide have been dealing with their garbage in far better ways than we have here where I live.
Recycling has been a way of life for me for a long time, taking trips to the local ‘transfer
What’s with a label that says “contains milk” but it doesn’t?
For a long time now, I’ve been reading labels; it comes from being vegan and making sure there are no animal ingredients.
So why is it that ingredients lists are scarier, as I said in the title, than getting #cancelled?
Most of the time, I am up with the ‘animal’ products and numbers
By now you probably already know that random things I see make me intrigued, smile or downright laugh out loud. This was one of those occasions that was a LOL.
Each day I’m out and about, I always look for the random stuff that is in broad daylight for all to see.
Take, for example, the other day when I was driving back from the shops. I went past a work truck parked outside a house, and I caught a quick glimpse of something suspiciously like a skeleton
The last time I was in the windy city (Wellington) was seven years ago. Not a lot has changed, only this time the weather was balmy and calm.
Flying in on a Friday and flying out the following Monday, I certainly jammed a load of stuff into the three days in the city.
Don’t worry; I’m not about to give you a travel log description of what I
On a recent trip to the capital I was again shown how the right attitude makes things a lot more pleasant.
An early morning alarm woke me to the cold snap that the North Island was experiencing. One of the blessed things about my life is that I no longer need to wake via an alarm, so as you can imagine, waking up when it was still dark to sudden loud sound was not the most pleasant thing.
However, it would