Author: Fee Writes

Bees Get Support From the Top Man.

Bees Get Support From the Top Man.

Today I read an article about how, none other than the President of the United States … Obama, has come out in defense of the honey bee.  Read the article here
Now, don’t get me wrong, I think this is amazing, however, just how much “saving” it will actually do is debatable.
Last June (2014) the White House created a task force to find ways to save the bees. See, even though big corporates run the western world, I will say that Obama at least has enough savvy to realise that if the bees go … so does life as we know it. And the extinction of the bees (and other pollinators) is getting all too close.
So the task force has come out with a 10 year plan. In a nutshell this is it:
  1. Bump monarch butterfly numbers to 225 million.
  2. Reduce winter honey bee colony losses by about half.
  3. Make 7 million acres of land more pollinator-friendly.
  4. Research how to minimize bees’ exposure to pesticides.
  5. Re-evaluate the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides.
Perhaps they can achieve the increase in monarch butterfly and maybe they can reduce the winter honey bee losses.  They definitely can make 7 million acres of land more pollinator-friendly.
But the last two????
They already know that neonicotinoid insecticides and pesticides are the number one killer of bees – see my bog post here.  
And how many bees will die while they do their research?
Of course we know that the White House is organic and has it’s own bees.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons the President took this stance. However, he’s not gone far enough and groups are now by-passing the President and asking the First Lady to help as reported by the Washington Examiner.

A letter provided by Friends of The Earth asks that Michelle Obama use her influence with the administration and support a ban on these chemicals.
Let’s hope she can be a mother for the bees and defend them. This is a critical situation and a lot more urgency is needed ….. the bees can’t wait much longer.
You can help by choosing organic or spray free whenever you can.






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Pope Francis Rocking the Boat …. Again!

Pope Francis Rocking the Boat …. Again!

Well blow me over with a feather and tell me it’s a sledge hammer.  Now the Pope is being criticized for being concerned about climate change.
It appears that the Pope, bless his plain white robes, met with the UN Secretary-General and in that meeting they discussed the upcoming United Nations Climate change conference which is going to be held in Paris at the end of this year.  (30 November – 11 December 2015)

But wait, there’s more.  Not only did the Pope put his tuppence worth into the climate pot, but the Pontifical Academy of Sciences also met with the UN Secretariat and some other really important non government organizations.

Vatican & UN team up on climate issues
Now, the fact that all this climate change discussion was going on by the Vatican powers that be, created a bit of a stir in certain quarters.  Like the Heartland Institute, a right-wing American organization known for its global warming skepticism, got their knickers in a right twist.

And they weren’t the only ones telling the Vatican that they have no business talking about climate change.  Another group, funded by a US climate drive in Chicago went off to Rome to rally against the Vatican’s climate commitment.  Interestingly enough, one of these people was Christopher Monckton.

Who the hell is Christopher Monckton I hear you ask.

His fame is that he’s the 3rd Viscount Monkton of Brenchley (to give him his correct title) a journalist right against climate change.  Now young Christopher (well he’s not young as the photo above shows) caused an unprecedented step by the House of Lords who published a “cease and desist” letter demanding that Lord Christopher Monckton should stop claiming to be a member of the upper house. reference

If he purports to be someone he’s not, then I’m not sure how much credence this man should be given and, I’m please to say, the Vatican thinks the same.

Getting back to the Pope.  He’s been outspoken about climate change saying:  “I don’t know if it is the only cause but in great part it is man who has slapped nature in the face. We have in a sense taken over nature.”

So, as the Guardian reports   “The Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based conservative thinktank that seeks to discredit established science on climate change, said it was sending a team of climate scientists to Rome ‘…to inform Pope Francis of the truth about climate science….’ ”
Just as an aside …. The Heartland Institute, guess who they are funded by???? Energy companies.  Say no more!!!
The Vatican is getting ready to have a Papal encyclical where it will declare it’s position on the environment and humanity’s relationship with nature.  When that comes out watch out for the flak – will be very interesting to see what sort of confrontation there will be between the Pope and the religious right in the USA.

All I can say is ….. stick to your greenness, Francis, the world needs people like you!

If you want to read more – BBC






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New Label for Foodies – Pegan

New Label for Foodies – Pegan

Funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile.

So any ideas what a Pegan might be? To give you a clue, other labels can include Pescetarian – those who only eat fish and no other animal – or Fruitarians who eat only raw fruit and seeds.

So a new label has come into being originating from Dr. Mark Hyman and it’s the joining of Paleo and Vegan diets.

Whoa!  Didn’t think you’d be able to join those two together as I thought that Paleo needed meat, but apparently not. Go figure!

Vegan and Paleo are very similar as both focus on real, whole, fresh food that is sustainably raised.

  • Both shun dairy.
  • Paleos do not eat legumes or grains – Vegans do.
  • Paleos do eat meat – Vegans don’t.
However, Dr Hyman suggests that for the grains, stick to small portions of low glycemic grains like black rice or quinoa.
Beans are great, but again, stick to small amounts – about 1 cup a day is ample – (more than I’d eat.)
Although he’s not against eating sustainably raised, clean meat, whereas vegans won’t touch it, he does concede that meat does put pressure on the planet, which it does.
He goes on to to say eggs no longer have the impact on cholesterol as once thought, so they’re fine. Again a no no for the Vegans and I will debate that about the cholesterol!!!

Then he adds that fish, even though you should worry about the mercury that is now abounding through all fish, eat fat rich fish such as sardines or wild salmon to get omega 3. He fails to tell you that for omega 3 you can get eat flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seed, mustard oil, seaweed, beans (mungo beans the best) and the list goes on.

Just as an aside:  Wild rice should be a staple for all vegetarians and vegans. One cup cooked delivers lots of iron, protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. You’ll also get 156mg Omega 3 while only taking in 195mg of Omega 6.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest. Back to Dr Hyman.

He says

“…Looking at the research it is easy to get confused. Vegan diet studies show they help with weight loss, reverse diabetes and lower cholesterol.  Paleo diets seem to do the same thing….”

From what I can glean from his ideas, he’s saying that a vegan diet is fabulous, but if you don’t want to go vegan then a little bit of Paleo added to it works too = Pegan.


All the above has been written from a dietary point of view only …. being vegan encompasses more than just diet and, even if you go vegan for health reasons, you’ll soon discover just how much the animals and planet are benefiting from your choice.

Personally I will stick with being vegan.






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Earthquake in Nepal.

Earthquake in Nepal.

Many New Zealanders have such a close bond with Nepal regardless of whether they have been there or not.  This is due to one of our great explorers/adventurers Sir Edmund Hillary.  So when the news of the devastating earthquake reached us, we, as a nation poured out our love to the people there.

I also want to commend the N.Z. team of search and rescue people who have bags packed (so to speak) and will be ready to go if they are needed.

According to the Nepal members of the Humane Society, animals, including large carnivores such as lions and tigers, at the Central Zoo in Kathmandu are believed to be safe.  However, because this has been such a disaster within the urban areas, several pets, street dogs and livestock may have been killed, injured or abandoned.

My heart and my thoughts go out to the people and the animals of Nepal.


Many Blessings






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Movie “Surviving Earth” Review

Movie “Surviving Earth” Review


Have you seen the movie “Surviving Earth” yet?  It’s really very good and worth seeing if you get the chance.

I belong to a movie club (docos) and last night’s movie ‘Surviving Earth’ was definitely worth trotting along to.


We see and hear lots about the destruction of our planet, the poisoning, the impact of intensive farming and the pollution of our waters. But for me this was the first time I’d really got into the energy crises. This film pointed out just how we are artificially sustaining 7+ billion people through our use of fossil fuels. It is everywhere – from what we eat to what we wear and where and how we live.

The ‘cast’ is made up of Prof. Tim Flannery, Ian Dunlop, Prof. Ian Lowe, Bindi Irwin (who I was very impressed with) and Uncle Bob Randall among others. Directed by Peter Charles Downey it’s an excellent film.  It’s made in Australia and shown from the Australian perspective. However, that’s pretty close to the rest of the western world.

As for the remedy? Yes, it does have solutions which is always a good positive. My view is though, that the environmental crises we’re facing is more that just energy. We must also look at all the factors from economic to animals as food, energy (fossil fuels) to other factors of pollution. Along with the chemical poisons, rain forest (and other) destruction, population explosion, wars and disease as well as our oceans and water ways.  Once we can understand that it’s more than just one or two things, then, I believe we will have a better chance at starting the reversal process.

It’s not too late – but time is running out. Each of us must become aware, and we must start a “movement”. As it says in the movies, the politicians are not going to do it …. we must.

Educate yourself on what you can do.






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I’m On Bluesky

I’m On Bluesky

About Me

fee o'shea

Thanks for dropping by. My name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author, and a Comedy Improver.
This blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s World is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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