Harbourmaster Uses Council Boat To Free Orca – Stood Down

Harbourmaster Uses Council Boat To Free Orca – Stood Down

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A Coromandel (N.Z.) Harbourmaster has been stood down because he used a Council boat to go and free an Orca.

A breeding female orca was trapped in a cray pot line for 16 hours – Yup 16 HOURS!!!! and the DOC (Department of Conservation) peeps were “too busy” to go and free her. So, in the end, the Harbourmaster along with a volunteer who had training in Dolphin and Whale rescue went out to her aid.

She was being held up by other members of her pod – if that’s not distress I don’t know what is!

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They did get her free and she swam away.

But now the Waikato Regional Council is

“checking whether any regulations were breached or operational procedures not followed during the rescue”

and the Harbourmaster has been stood down.

This is P.C. gone afoul – as usual. Who gives a toss if regulations have been breached! The Harbourmaster knew what he was doing, didn’t put anyone at risk and saved the Orca. He should be commended not reprimanded!

I’ll get off my soapbox now.






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Thanks for dropping by, my name is Fee O’Shea. I’m a mother and grandma, an author and an Improver. I’ve got a resource website to help peeps go plant-based, I’ve scribbled six books centred around veganism, and have helped others write and publish their own stories.
But this blog is for my thoughts, my rants, raves, reviews and things that have grabbed my attention. From politics to social media to beauty, health and the environment. Fee’s Ramblings Over Coffee is written to bring you a smile or get you thinking. Enjoy.



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